Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021 | Adsorption of Cr(vi) Onto Cross-Linked Chitosan-Almond Shell Biochars: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic Studies | Altun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin ; Kar, Yakup; Çiftçi, Birsen |
2022 | Adsorption of Malachite Green and Methyl Violet 2b by Halloysite Nanotube: Batch Adsorption Experiments and Box-Behnken Experimental Design | Altun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin |
2023 | Adsorption Properties of Red Mud, Bauxite and Red Soils in Seydişehir (konya)? Akseki (antalya) Region | Çelik Karakaya, Muazzez ; Karakaya, Necati ; Ruşen, Aydın; Ölçer, Derya; Edebali, Serpil |
2023 | Adsorptive Removal of Malachite Green Dye From Aqueous Solution by Ion Exchange Resins | Yanardağ, D. ; Edebali, S. |
2020 | Advanced Applications of Green Materials for Gas Separation and Storage | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kuş, Mahmut |
2020 | Advanced Applications of Green Materials in Bioelectronics Applications | Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kuş, Mahmut |
2023 | Advanced Oxidation Processes for Degradation of Pharmaceuticals Used During Covid-19 Pandemic | Ramirez, I.; Mariam, E.; Kumar, A.; Yanardağ, D. ; Villaseñor-Basulto, D.L.; Garcia-Huante, Y.G.; Ordaz, A. |
2021 | Aerogels as Promising Materials for Antibacterial Applications: a Mini-Review | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Aznar, Elena; Deveci, Hüseyin ; Martinez-Manez, Ramon |
2024 | Aggregation-Induced Red-Shift Emission From Self-Assembled Planar Naphthalene Diimide Dye: Interlayer in a Schottky-Type Photodiode and Dft Studies | Karşılı, Pelin; Abourajab, Arwa; Dinleyici, Meltem; Altinisik, Sinem; Koyuncu, Sermet; Dölek, Gamze; Kus, Mahmut |
2019 | Alginate-Coated Perlite Beads for the Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue, Malachite Green, and Methyl Violet From Aqueous Solutions: Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Equilibrium Studies | Parlayıcı, Şerife |
2019 | All-Dry Hydrophobic Functionalization of Paper Surfaces for Efficient Transfer of Cvd Graphene | Çıtak, Emre; İstanbullu, Bilal; Şakalak, Hüseyin; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa |
2020 | All-Dry Patterning Method To Fabricate Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Surface for Fog Harvesting | Gürsoy, Mehmet |
2019 | All-Dry Synthesis of Poly(2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate) Nanocoatings Using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition Method | Şakalak, Hüseyin; Karaman, Mustafa |
2024 | Alternative Green Application Areas for Olive Pomace Catalytic Pyrolysis Biochar Obtained Via Marble Sludge Catalyst | Göktepeli, Gamze ; Özgan, Afra; Önen, Vildan ; Ahmetli, Gülnare ; Kalem, Merve ; Yel, Esra |
18-Feb-2016 | Amonyum Floroborat Üretim Yöntemi | Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Ulusal Bor Araştırma Enstitüsü |
2020 | Amonyum Floroborat Üretimi ve Üretim Parametrelerinin Belirlenmesi | Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Bağcı, Safiye; Baytar, Orhan; Şahin, Ömer |
2023 | Amplifying the Dielectric Constant of Shellac by Incorporating Natural Clays for Organic Field Effect Transistors (ofets) | Kim, S.; Yumuşak, Ç.; Irimia, C.V.; Bednorz, M.; Yenel, E. ; Kuş, M. ; Sariçiftçi, N.S. |
2022 | Analysis of Electrospinning and Additive Effect on ? Phase Content of Electrospun Pvdf Nanofiber Mats for Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Nanogenerators | Oflaz, Kamil; Özaytekin, İlkay |
2024 | Anti-Fogging Properties of Amphiphilic Copolymer Films Deposited by Chemical Vapor Deposition (cvd) | Tuna, Melek Dinç; Mercan, Emine Sevgili; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa |
2024 | Anti-Fogging Surfaces Produced by Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic Acid | Coplan, Meryem; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa |
2020 | Antibacterial Activity of Linezolid Against Gram-Negative Bacteria: Utilization of Epsilon-Poly Capped Silica Xerogel as an Activating Carrier | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Medaglia, Serena; Candela-Noguera, Vicente; Tormo-Mas, Maria Angeles; Marcos, Maria Dolores; Aznar, Elena; Martinez-Manez, Ramon |
2019 | Antibacterial Properties of Nylon 6,6 Nanofibers Containing Silver Nanoparticles | Kahraman Tutar, Havva ; Musaoğlu, Merve; Yüksel, Emre; Aydın, Gülsüm |
2019 | Antibakteriyel Nanokaplama Teknolojilerinde Mükemmeliyet için Ingiltere-türkiye Isbirligi | Öztürk, Agah Bahadır; Karaman, Mustafa ; Dağı, Türk Hatice |
2021 | Application of Various Carboxylic Acids Modified Walnut Shell Waste as Natural Filler for Epoxy-Based Composites | Albaker, Ruya Isam Bakr; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Martı, Mustafa Esen ; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2020 | Apricot Kernel Shell Waste Treated With Phosphoric Acid Used as a Green, Metal-Free Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation From Hydrolysis of Sodium Borohydride | Fangaj, Enis; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah |
2024 | Artificial Neural Network Approach To Model Cr(iii) and Cr(vi) Adsorption by Ncs, Acs and Bcs | Göde, Fethiye; Yılmaz, Asuman; Aktaş, A. Hakan; Pehlivan, Erol |
2023 | Bakır Nanopartikülün Kesme Sıvısı Katışkısı Olarak Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesi | Şirvan, Onur Can ; Çetin, Muhammet Hüseyin ; Temel, Farabi ; Özçelik, Babür; Türköz, Mevlüt |
2023 | Başlatıcılı Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemi ile Etkiye Duyarlı İnce Filmlerin Sentezi ve Karakterizasyonu | Mercan Sevgili, Emine |
30-Dec-2019 | Başlatıcılı Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemiyle Basınca Duyarlı Yapıştırıcı Üretimi | Karaman, Mustafa ; Şakalak, Hüseyin |
2022 | Behaviors of Removing Diesel Oil From Water With Ps/Ti4o7 Composite Nanofibers: Modeling Diesel Oil Sorption Capacity for Tap Water and Investigation of the Effects of Ph on Sorption at Different Temperatures for Times | Dinçer, Kevser ; Özaytekin, İlkay |
2020 | Behaviour of Waste Polypropylene Pyrolysis Char-Based Epoxy Composite Materials | Soğancıoğlu, Merve; Yel, Esra ; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2020 | Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene (btx) Detection Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (qcm) Sensor Deposited by Calixarene Derivative Having Methyl Ester Moieties | Temel, Farabi |
2022 | Biochar Produced From Co-Pyrolysis of Olive Pomace & Crude Oil as an Adsorbent for Cr (vi) Removal From Aqueous Solutions | Almezgagi, Maha; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Kar, Yakup; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2023 | A Biocompatible, Eco-Friendly, and High-Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Sepiolite, Bentonite, and Kaolin Decorated Chitosan Composite Film | Yar, Adem; Okbaz, Abdulkerim; Parlayici, Serife |
2022 | Biomimetic Surfaces Prepared by Soft Lithography and Vapour Deposition for Hydrophobic and Antibacterial Performance | Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Testici, Hilal; Çıtak, Emre; Kaya, Murat; Dağı, Hatice Türk; Öztürk, Bahadır; Karaman, Mustafa |
2024 | Biopolymeric Nanofibrous Scaffolds of Poly(3-hydroxybuthyrate)/Chitosan Loaded With Biogenic Silver Nanoparticle Synthesized Using Curcumin and Their Antibacterial Activities | Bayram, Sarıipek, F. |
2021 | Biosorption of Methylene Blue and Malachite Green on Biodegradable Magnetic Cortaderia Selloana Flower Spikes: Modeling and Equilibrium Study | Parlayıcı, Şerife ; Pehlivan, Erol |
28-Aug-2019 | Bor Ürünleri Kristallerinin Partikül Boyut Dağılımı ve Habitinin İyileştirilmesi | Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Eti Maden |
2020 | Borik Asit ve Boraks Pentahidrat Kristalleri için Kekleşmenin İncelenmesi | Kutluay, Sinan; İzgi, Mehmet Sait; Şahin, Ömer; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah |
2019 | Boron Removal and Antifouling Properties of Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membrane Incorporating Pecvd-Modified Titanate Nanotubes | Ng, Zhi-Chien; Chong, Chun-Yew; Lau, Woei-Jye; Karaman, Mustafa ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi |
2024 | Calixarene Films on Qcm Via Electrospin Coating for Real-Time Monitoring of Phenolic Species in Aqueous Media | Temel, Farabi |
2021 | Calixarene-Tethered Textile Fabric for the Efficient Removal of Hexavalent Chromium From Polluted Water | Özçelik, Egemen; Mercan Sevgili, Emine ; Erdemir, Serkan; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tabakcı, Mustafa |
2020 | Capture and Release Recyclable Dimethylaminomethyl-Calixarene Functional Cloths for Point-Of Removal of Highly Toxic Chromium Water Pollutants | Bieber, Vera S.; Özçelik, Egemen; Cox, Harrison J.; Ottley, Christopher J.; Ratan, Jatinder K.; Karaman, Mustafa ; Badyal, Jas Pal S. |
2021 | Carbon Nanotube Supported Thiospinel Quantum Dots as Counter Electrodes for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells | Sarılmaz, Adem; Özen, Abdurrahman; Akyıldız, Hasan ; Gültekin, Şirin Siyahjani; Kuş, Mahmut ; Özel, Faruk |
2023 | Carbon Nanotube-Supported Bimetallic Core-Shell (m@pd/Cnt (m: Zn, Mn, Ag, Co, V, Ni)) Cathode Catalysts for H2o2 Fuel Cells | Yapıcı, Burak; Gökdoğan Şahin, Özlem |
2022 | Carbon Nanotubes/ Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofiber Mats for Highly Efficient Dye Adsorption | Yar, Adem; Parlayıcı, Şerife |
2024 | Catalytic Effect of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles From Lupinus Albus Extract on Green Synthesis and Photocatalytic Reduction of Methylene Blue: Kinetics and Mechanism | Yılmaz, Mine; Ceyhan, A. Abdullah ; Baytar, Orhan |
2021 | Characterization of Bionanocomposites | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan |
2023 | Characterization of Stimuli-Responsive Acrylamide/Sodium Methacrylate/Kaolin Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Composite Hydrogels | Güzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2022 | Characterization of Unmodified and Modified Apricot Kernel Shell/Epoxy Resin Biocomposites by Ultrasonic Wave Velocities | Oral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2020 | Chemical Modification of Apricot Kernel Shell Waste and Its Effect on Phenolic Novolac Epoxy Composites | Kocaman, Süheyla |
2019 | Chemical Vapor Deposition of Poly(hydroxyethyl Methacrylateglycidyl Methacrylate) Thin Film Coatings for Immobilization of Human Serum Albumin | Sarıipek, Fatma Bayram ; Çağıl maltaş, Esra; Karaman, Mustafa |
2024 | Chitosan Coated Biomass Waste-Based Magnetic Hydrogel Beads for the Removal of Methylene Blue | Parlayıcı, Ş. ; Aras, A. |
2019 | Chitosan-Coated Black Sesame (sesamum Indicum L.) Seed Pulp as a Novel Candidate Adsorbent for Cr(vi) Elimination | Parlayıcı, Şerife ; Tuna, Kübra; Özdemir, Elif; Pehlivan, Erol |
2023 | Ciprofloxacin Adsorption Performance of Co-Doped Uio-66 | Yanardağ, Duygu ; Güzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Edebali, Serpil |
2021 | Co2 Capture Using Polyethyleneimine Functionalized Silica Xerogels | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2022 | Coating and Flammability Properties of Modified Epoxy-Based Hybrid Composites | Özmeral, Nimet; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2021 | Coating of Hydrophilic Poly(hydroxypropyl Methacrylate) Thin Films Via Pulsed-Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition Method | Mercan Sevgili, Emine ; Karaman, Mustafa |
2020 | A Comparative Experimental and Density Functional Study of Glucose Adsorption and Electrooxidation on the Au-Graphene and Pt-Graphene Electrodes | Çağlar, Aykut; Düzenli, Derya; Önal, Işık; Tezsevin, İlker; Şahin, Özlem ; Kıvrak, Hilal |
2019 | Comparative Study of Cr(vi) Removal by Bio-Waste Adsorbents: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and Thermodynamic | Parlayıcı, Şerife ; Pehlivan, Erol |
2022 | Comparative Study on Epoxy-Based Nanocomposites | Işık, Murat; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2021 | Comparison of Self-Assembled Monolayers With Long Alkyl Chains on Ito for Enhanced Surface Properties and Photovoltaic Performance | Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem |
2018 | A Complementary Study on Novel Pdauco Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cell Application, and Exergy Analysis | Kıvrak, Hilal; Atbaş, Dilan; Alal, Orhan; Çögenli, M. Selim; Bayrakçeken, Ayşe; Mert, Suha Orçun; Şahin, Özlem |
2020 | Cr(vi) Removal Using Fe2o3-Chitosan Kernel Shell Pyrolytic Charcoal Composite Beads | Altun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin |
2022 | Decolorization of Water Through Removal of Methylene Blue and Malachite Green on Biodegradable Magnetic Bauhinia Variagata Fruits | Bayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Göde, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol |
2019 | Decoration of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Green Approach Onto Naturally Colored Nylon 6,6 Nanofibers: Investigation of Antibacterial Activity | Kahraman Tutar, Havva ; Yüksel, Emre; Altun, Kezban Buse; Aydın, Gülsüm |
2019 | Dendrimer Templated Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Supported Pdau Catalyst and Its Application as Hydrogen Peroxide Sensor | Alal, Orhan; Çağlar, Aykut; Kıvrak, Hilal; Şahin, Özlem |
2023 | Design and Synthesis of 4,5-Diazafluorene Ligands and Their Ruthenium (ii) Complexes for Photoresponse Performance on Organic Photodiodes | Yenel, Esma ; Yıldırım, Murat; Cebeci, Caner; Erden, Ibrahim; Kocyiğit, Adem; Kuş, Mahmut |
2022 | Design and Synthesis of Metal Oxide-Polymer Composites | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2023 | Determination of Mechanical and Damping Properties of Hazelnut Shell Powder Reinforced Biocomposites by Ultrasonic Method | Oral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Cerit, Alaaddin; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2023 | Determination of Reswelling Properties and Water Diffusion Mechanism of Hydrogel Composites | Yurttadur, Mehmet; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2019 | Determination of Zinc and Cobalt by Voltammetric Method | Nadeesh, Abdullah; Atacan, Keziban; Gökdoğan Şahin, Özlem |
2022 | Detrimental Effects of Commonly Used Textile Dyes on the Aquatic Environment and Human Health - a Review | Yıldırım, Özlem Altıntaş ; Bahadır, Mufit; Pehlivan, Erol |
2022 | Development of Highly Luminescent Water-Insoluble Carbon Dots by Using Calix[4]pyrrole as the Carbon Precursor and Their Potential Application in Organic Solar Cells | Coşkun, Yağız; Ünlü, Fatma Yelda; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Türker, Yurdanur; Aydoğan, Abdullah; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ünlü, Caner |
2022 | Development of Surface Modified Pu Foam With Improved Oil Absorption and Reusability Via an Environmentally Friendly and Rapid Pathway | Seah, Mei Qun; Ng, Zhi Chien; Lau, Woei Jye; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa ; Wong, Tuck-Whye; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi |
2024 | Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Approach From Agro-Industrial Wastes by Revealing the Economic Added Value Potential | Goktepeli, G.; Ozgan, A.; Onen, V. ; Ahmetli, G. ; Kalem, M.; Yel, E. |
2019 | Development of Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane Incorporated With Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition-Modified Hydrous Manganese Oxide for Nanofiltration Process | Lai, Gwo Sung; Lau, Woei Jye; Goh, Pei Sean; Karaman, Mustafa ; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi |
2023 | Diamine Functionalized Volcanic Tuff: a Promising Co2 Adsorbent | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan |
2021 | Düşük Maliyetli Silika Aerojel Kompozitlerin Morfolojik, Yapısal ve Termal Özellikleri | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2024 | Dye-Sensitized Sepiolite Clay as Natural Scaffolds for Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution | Genc, Acar, E.; Akyildiz, Y.O.; Kuru, T.; Yenel, E. ; Aslan, E.; Ersöz, M.; Kus, M. |
2023 | Eco-Friendly Approach for the Recovery of Lactic Acid by Complex Extraction | Erdas, A.; Marti, M.E. |
2022 | Eco-Friendly Surface Modification Approach To Develop Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane With Improved Desalination and Antifouling Properties | Khoo, Ying Siew; Lau, Woei Jye; Liang, Yong Yeow; Karaman, Mustafa ; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi |
2022 | An Ecologically Sustainable Specific Method Using New Magnetic Alginate-Biochar From Acorn Cups (quercus Coccifera L.) for Decolorization of Dyes | Parlayıcı, Ş. ; Pehlivan, E. |
2020 | Effect of Aging Solvents on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Silica Xerogels Derived From Steel Slag | Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin |
2023 | Effect of Au Nanoparticle Doped Zno Buffer Layer on Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells | Yurtdas, Semih; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tozlu, Cem |
2019 | Effect of Borax Decahydrate on Thermal Properties of Electrospun Nylon 6,6 Nanofibers | Kahraman Tutar, Havva ; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah |
2021 | Effect of Different Terminal Groups of Phenyl Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on the Photovoltaic Performance of Organic Solar Cells | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut |
2020 | Effect of Dynamic Viscosity on Nanofiber Diameters and Electrical Conductivity of Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Doped Nano-Cu Particles | Mpukuta, Olivier M.; Dinçer, Kevser ; Özaytekin, İlkay |
2024 | Effect of Shot-Peening Process and Nanoparticle-Added Lubricant on the Tribological Performance of Aluminium-Based Sliding Bearing Material | Korkmaz, Şeyma; Çetin, M. Hüseyin ; Simsir, Hamza; Ünal, Okan; Temel, Farabi |
2023 | Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on Bacteriostatic Activity of Piezoelectric Phb-Tio2 Hybrid Biodegradable Scaffolds Prepared by Electrospinning Technique | Sarıipek, Fatma Bayram ; Ozaytekin, Ilkay ; Erci, Fatih |
2024 | Effect of Various Aging Conditions and Treatment Methods on Thermal Degradation of Coffee Waste/Epoxy Composites | Işık, Murat; Özmeral, Nimet; Ahmetli, Gülnare ; Kalem, Merve Soğancıoğlu |
2021 | Effect of Zno Concentration on Efficiency in Organic Solar Cells | Yurtdaş, Semih; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tozlu, Cem |
2024 | Effective Isolation of Succinic Acid From Aqueous Media With the Use of Anion Exchange Resins | Asım, Hamayoun; Zeidan, Hani; Marti, Mustafa Esen |
2024 | Effective Oil/Water Separation Sorbent Based on Nylon 6,6-Organoclay Nanofiber Mats | Kahraman H.T.; Kılınç A.; Kurtuluş S.; Avcı A.; Pehlivan E. |
2020 | Effects of Various Methods of Chemical Modification of Lignocellulose Hazelnut Shell Waste on a Newly Synthesized Bio-Based Epoxy Composite | Kocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare |
2022 | Efficient Decolorization of Anionic Dye (methyl Blue) by Natural-Based Biosorbent (nano-Magnetic Sophora Japonica Fruit Seed Biochar) | Bayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Moral, Emel; Gode, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol |
2022 | Efficient Decolorization of Cationic Dye (malachite Green) by Natural-Based Biosorbent (nano-Magnetic Sophora Japonica Fruit Seed Biochar) | Bayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Moral, Emel; Gode, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol |
2024 | Efficient Recovery of Itaconic Acid Using Weak and Strong Anion Exchange Resins From Aqueous Solutions | Can, Cihat Erdem; Zeidan, Hani; Martı, Mustafa Esen |
2024 | Efficient Separation of Levulinic Acid Using Fly Ash From Sugar Beet Processing | Zeidan, H.; Marti, M. E. |