Browsing by Department 02.01. Department of Chemical Engineering

Showing results 1 to 100 of 373  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Adsorption of Cr(vi) Onto Cross-Linked Chitosan-Almond Shell Biochars: Equilibrium, Kinetic, and Thermodynamic StudiesAltun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin ; Kar, Yakup; Çiftçi, Birsen
2022Adsorption of Malachite Green and Methyl Violet 2b by Halloysite Nanotube: Batch Adsorption Experiments and Box-Behnken Experimental DesignAltun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin 
2023Adsorption Properties of Red Mud, Bauxite and Red Soils in Seydişehir (konya)? Akseki (antalya) RegionÇelik Karakaya, Muazzez ; Karakaya, Necati ; Ruşen, Aydın; Ölçer, Derya; Edebali, Serpil 
2023Adsorptive Removal of Malachite Green Dye From Aqueous Solution by Ion Exchange ResinsYanardağ, D. ; Edebali, S. 
2020Advanced Applications of Green Materials for Gas Separation and StorageKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kuş, Mahmut 
2020Advanced Applications of Green Materials in Bioelectronics ApplicationsYılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kuş, Mahmut 
2023Advanced Oxidation Processes for Degradation of Pharmaceuticals Used During Covid-19 PandemicRamirez, I.; Mariam, E.; Kumar, A.; Yanardağ, D. ; Villaseñor-Basulto, D.L.; Garcia-Huante, Y.G.; Ordaz, A.
2021Aerogels as Promising Materials for Antibacterial Applications: a Mini-ReviewKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Aznar, Elena; Deveci, Hüseyin ; Martinez-Manez, Ramon
2024Aggregation-Induced Red-Shift Emission From Self-Assembled Planar Naphthalene Diimide Dye: Interlayer in a Schottky-Type Photodiode and Dft StudiesKarşılı, Pelin; Abourajab, Arwa; Dinleyici, Meltem; Altinisik, Sinem; Koyuncu, Sermet; Dölek, Gamze; Kus, Mahmut 
2019Alginate-Coated Perlite Beads for the Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue, Malachite Green, and Methyl Violet From Aqueous Solutions: Kinetic, Thermodynamic, and Equilibrium StudiesParlayıcı, Şerife 
2019All-Dry Hydrophobic Functionalization of Paper Surfaces for Efficient Transfer of Cvd GrapheneÇıtak, Emre; İstanbullu, Bilal; Şakalak, Hüseyin; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa 
2020All-Dry Patterning Method To Fabricate Hydrophilic/Hydrophobic Surface for Fog HarvestingGürsoy, Mehmet 
2019All-Dry Synthesis of Poly(2-Ethylhexyl Acrylate) Nanocoatings Using Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition MethodŞakalak, Hüseyin; Karaman, Mustafa 
2024Alternative Green Application Areas for Olive Pomace Catalytic Pyrolysis Biochar Obtained Via Marble Sludge CatalystGöktepeli, Gamze ; Özgan, Afra; Önen, Vildan ; Ahmetli, Gülnare ; Kalem, Merve ; Yel, Esra 
18-Feb-2016Amonyum Floroborat Üretim YöntemiCeyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Ulusal Bor Araştırma Enstitüsü
2020Amonyum Floroborat Üretimi ve Üretim Parametrelerinin BelirlenmesiCeyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Bağcı, Safiye; Baytar, Orhan; Şahin, Ömer
2023Amplifying the Dielectric Constant of Shellac by Incorporating Natural Clays for Organic Field Effect Transistors (ofets)Kim, S.; Yumuşak, Ç.; Irimia, C.V.; Bednorz, M.; Yenel, E. ; Kuş, M. ; Sariçiftçi, N.S.
2022Analysis of Electrospinning and Additive Effect on ? Phase Content of Electrospun Pvdf Nanofiber Mats for Piezoelectric Energy Harvester NanogeneratorsOflaz, Kamil; Özaytekin, İlkay 
2024Anti-Fogging Properties of Amphiphilic Copolymer Films Deposited by Chemical Vapor Deposition (cvd)Tuna, Melek Dinç; Mercan, Emine Sevgili; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa 
2024Anti-Fogging Surfaces Produced by Plasma Polymerization of Acrylic AcidCoplan, Meryem; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa 
2020Antibacterial Activity of Linezolid Against Gram-Negative Bacteria: Utilization of Epsilon-Poly Capped Silica Xerogel as an Activating CarrierKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Medaglia, Serena; Candela-Noguera, Vicente; Tormo-Mas, Maria Angeles; Marcos, Maria Dolores; Aznar, Elena; Martinez-Manez, Ramon
2019Antibacterial Properties of Nylon 6,6 Nanofibers Containing Silver NanoparticlesKahraman Tutar, Havva ; Musaoğlu, Merve; Yüksel, Emre; Aydın, Gülsüm
2019Antibakteriyel Nanokaplama Teknolojilerinde Mükemmeliyet için Ingiltere-türkiye IsbirligiÖztürk, Agah Bahadır; Karaman, Mustafa ; Dağı, Türk Hatice
2021Application of Various Carboxylic Acids Modified Walnut Shell Waste as Natural Filler for Epoxy-Based CompositesAlbaker, Ruya Isam Bakr; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Martı, Mustafa Esen ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2020Apricot Kernel Shell Waste Treated With Phosphoric Acid Used as a Green, Metal-Free Catalyst for Hydrogen Generation From Hydrolysis of Sodium BorohydrideFangaj, Enis; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah 
2024Artificial Neural Network Approach To Model Cr(iii) and Cr(vi) Adsorption by Ncs, Acs and BcsGöde, Fethiye; Yılmaz, Asuman; Aktaş, A. Hakan; Pehlivan, Erol 
2023Bakır Nanopartikülün Kesme Sıvısı Katışkısı Olarak Kullanılabilirliğinin İncelenmesiŞirvan, Onur Can ; Çetin, Muhammet Hüseyin ; Temel, Farabi ; Özçelik, Babür; Türköz, Mevlüt 
2023Başlatıcılı Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemi ile Etkiye Duyarlı İnce Filmlerin Sentezi ve KarakterizasyonuMercan Sevgili, Emine 
30-Dec-2019Başlatıcılı Kimyasal Buhar Biriktirme Yöntemiyle Basınca Duyarlı Yapıştırıcı ÜretimiKaraman, Mustafa ; Şakalak, Hüseyin
2022Behaviors of Removing Diesel Oil From Water With Ps/Ti4o7 Composite Nanofibers: Modeling Diesel Oil Sorption Capacity for Tap Water and Investigation of the Effects of Ph on Sorption at Different Temperatures for TimesDinçer, Kevser ; Özaytekin, İlkay 
2020Behaviour of Waste Polypropylene Pyrolysis Char-Based Epoxy Composite MaterialsSoğancıoğlu, Merve; Yel, Esra ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2020Benzene, Toluene, and Xylene (btx) Detection Using Quartz Crystal Microbalance (qcm) Sensor Deposited by Calixarene Derivative Having Methyl Ester MoietiesTemel, Farabi 
2022Biochar Produced From Co-Pyrolysis of Olive Pomace & Crude Oil as an Adsorbent for Cr (vi) Removal From Aqueous SolutionsAlmezgagi, Maha; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Kar, Yakup; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023A Biocompatible, Eco-Friendly, and High-Performance Triboelectric Nanogenerator Based on Sepiolite, Bentonite, and Kaolin Decorated Chitosan Composite FilmYar, Adem; Okbaz, Abdulkerim; Parlayici, Serife 
2022Biomimetic Surfaces Prepared by Soft Lithography and Vapour Deposition for Hydrophobic and Antibacterial PerformanceGürsoy, Mehmet ; Testici, Hilal; Çıtak, Emre; Kaya, Murat; Dağı, Hatice Türk; Öztürk, Bahadır; Karaman, Mustafa 
2024Biopolymeric Nanofibrous Scaffolds of Poly(3-hydroxybuthyrate)/Chitosan Loaded With Biogenic Silver Nanoparticle Synthesized Using Curcumin and Their Antibacterial ActivitiesBayram, Sarıipek, F. 
2021Biosorption of Methylene Blue and Malachite Green on Biodegradable Magnetic Cortaderia Selloana Flower Spikes: Modeling and Equilibrium StudyParlayıcı, Şerife ; Pehlivan, Erol 
28-Aug-2019Bor Ürünleri Kristallerinin Partikül Boyut Dağılımı ve Habitinin İyileştirilmesiCeyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Eti Maden
2020Borik Asit ve Boraks Pentahidrat Kristalleri için Kekleşmenin İncelenmesiKutluay, Sinan; İzgi, Mehmet Sait; Şahin, Ömer; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah 
2019Boron Removal and Antifouling Properties of Thin-Film Nanocomposite Membrane Incorporating Pecvd-Modified Titanate NanotubesNg, Zhi-Chien; Chong, Chun-Yew; Lau, Woei-Jye; Karaman, Mustafa ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi
2024Calixarene Films on Qcm Via Electrospin Coating for Real-Time Monitoring of Phenolic Species in Aqueous MediaTemel, Farabi 
2021Calixarene-Tethered Textile Fabric for the Efficient Removal of Hexavalent Chromium From Polluted WaterÖzçelik, Egemen; Mercan Sevgili, Emine ; Erdemir, Serkan; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tabakcı, Mustafa 
2020Capture and Release Recyclable Dimethylaminomethyl-Calixarene Functional Cloths for Point-Of Removal of Highly Toxic Chromium Water PollutantsBieber, Vera S.; Özçelik, Egemen; Cox, Harrison J.; Ottley, Christopher J.; Ratan, Jatinder K.; Karaman, Mustafa ; Badyal, Jas Pal S.
2021Carbon Nanotube Supported Thiospinel Quantum Dots as Counter Electrodes for Dye Sensitized Solar CellsSarılmaz, Adem; Özen, Abdurrahman; Akyıldız, Hasan ; Gültekin, Şirin Siyahjani; Kuş, Mahmut ; Özel, Faruk
2023Carbon Nanotube-Supported Bimetallic Core-Shell (m@pd/Cnt (m: Zn, Mn, Ag, Co, V, Ni)) Cathode Catalysts for H2o2 Fuel CellsYapıcı, Burak; Gökdoğan Şahin, Özlem 
2022Carbon Nanotubes/ Polyacrylonitrile Composite Nanofiber Mats for Highly Efficient Dye AdsorptionYar, Adem; Parlayıcı, Şerife 
2024Catalytic Effect of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles From Lupinus Albus Extract on Green Synthesis and Photocatalytic Reduction of Methylene Blue: Kinetics and MechanismYılmaz, Mine; Ceyhan, A. Abdullah ; Baytar, Orhan
2021Characterization of BionanocompositesKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan 
2023Characterization of Stimuli-Responsive Acrylamide/Sodium Methacrylate/Kaolin Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Composite HydrogelsGüzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2022Characterization of Unmodified and Modified Apricot Kernel Shell/Epoxy Resin Biocomposites by Ultrasonic Wave VelocitiesOral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2020Chemical Modification of Apricot Kernel Shell Waste and Its Effect on Phenolic Novolac Epoxy CompositesKocaman, Süheyla 
2019Chemical Vapor Deposition of Poly(hydroxyethyl Methacrylateglycidyl Methacrylate) Thin Film Coatings for Immobilization of Human Serum AlbuminSarıipek, Fatma Bayram ; Çağıl maltaş, Esra; Karaman, Mustafa 
2024Chitosan Coated Biomass Waste-Based Magnetic Hydrogel Beads for the Removal of Methylene BlueParlayıcı, Ş. ; Aras, A. 
2019Chitosan-Coated Black Sesame (sesamum Indicum L.) Seed Pulp as a Novel Candidate Adsorbent for Cr(vi) EliminationParlayıcı, Şerife ; Tuna, Kübra; Özdemir, Elif; Pehlivan, Erol 
2023Ciprofloxacin Adsorption Performance of Co-Doped Uio-66Yanardağ, Duygu ; Güzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Edebali, Serpil 
2021Co2 Capture Using Polyethyleneimine Functionalized Silica XerogelsKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2022Coating and Flammability Properties of Modified Epoxy-Based Hybrid CompositesÖzmeral, Nimet; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2021Coating of Hydrophilic Poly(hydroxypropyl Methacrylate) Thin Films Via Pulsed-Initiated Chemical Vapor Deposition MethodMercan Sevgili, Emine ; Karaman, Mustafa 
2020A Comparative Experimental and Density Functional Study of Glucose Adsorption and Electrooxidation on the Au-Graphene and Pt-Graphene ElectrodesÇağlar, Aykut; Düzenli, Derya; Önal, Işık; Tezsevin, İlker; Şahin, Özlem ; Kıvrak, Hilal
2019Comparative Study of Cr(vi) Removal by Bio-Waste Adsorbents: Equilibrium, Kinetics, and ThermodynamicParlayıcı, Şerife ; Pehlivan, Erol 
2022Comparative Study on Epoxy-Based NanocompositesIşık, Murat; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2021Comparison of Self-Assembled Monolayers With Long Alkyl Chains on Ito for Enhanced Surface Properties and Photovoltaic PerformanceYılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem 
2018A Complementary Study on Novel Pdauco Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cell Application, and Exergy AnalysisKıvrak, Hilal; Atbaş, Dilan; Alal, Orhan; Çögenli, M. Selim; Bayrakçeken, Ayşe; Mert, Suha Orçun; Şahin, Özlem 
2020Cr(vi) Removal Using Fe2o3-Chitosan Kernel Shell Pyrolytic Charcoal Composite BeadsAltun, Türkan; Ecevit, Hüseyin 
2022Decolorization of Water Through Removal of Methylene Blue and Malachite Green on Biodegradable Magnetic Bauhinia Variagata FruitsBayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Göde, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol 
2019Decoration of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Green Approach Onto Naturally Colored Nylon 6,6 Nanofibers: Investigation of Antibacterial ActivityKahraman Tutar, Havva ; Yüksel, Emre; Altun, Kezban Buse; Aydın, Gülsüm
2019Dendrimer Templated Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Supported Pdau Catalyst and Its Application as Hydrogen Peroxide SensorAlal, Orhan; Çağlar, Aykut; Kıvrak, Hilal; Şahin, Özlem 
2023Design and Synthesis of 4,5-Diazafluorene Ligands and Their Ruthenium (ii) Complexes for Photoresponse Performance on Organic PhotodiodesYenel, Esma ; Yıldırım, Murat; Cebeci, Caner; Erden, Ibrahim; Kocyiğit, Adem; Kuş, Mahmut 
2022Design and Synthesis of Metal Oxide-Polymer CompositesKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Determination of Mechanical and Damping Properties of Hazelnut Shell Powder Reinforced Biocomposites by Ultrasonic MethodOral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Cerit, Alaaddin; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2023Determination of Reswelling Properties and Water Diffusion Mechanism of Hydrogel CompositesYurttadur, Mehmet; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2019Determination of Zinc and Cobalt by Voltammetric MethodNadeesh, Abdullah; Atacan, Keziban; Gökdoğan Şahin, Özlem 
2022Detrimental Effects of Commonly Used Textile Dyes on the Aquatic Environment and Human Health - a ReviewYıldırım, Özlem Altıntaş ; Bahadır, Mufit; Pehlivan, Erol 
2022Development of Highly Luminescent Water-Insoluble Carbon Dots by Using Calix[4]pyrrole as the Carbon Precursor and Their Potential Application in Organic Solar CellsCoşkun, Yağız; Ünlü, Fatma Yelda; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Türker, Yurdanur; Aydoğan, Abdullah; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ünlü, Caner
2022Development of Surface Modified Pu Foam With Improved Oil Absorption and Reusability Via an Environmentally Friendly and Rapid PathwaySeah, Mei Qun; Ng, Zhi Chien; Lau, Woei Jye; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Karaman, Mustafa ; Wong, Tuck-Whye; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi
2024Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Approach From Agro-Industrial Wastes by Revealing the Economic Added Value PotentialGoktepeli, G.; Ozgan, A.; Onen, V. ; Ahmetli, G. ; Kalem, M.; Yel, E. 
2019Development of Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane Incorporated With Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition-Modified Hydrous Manganese Oxide for Nanofiltration ProcessLai, Gwo Sung; Lau, Woei Jye; Goh, Pei Sean; Karaman, Mustafa ; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi
2023Diamine Functionalized Volcanic Tuff: a Promising Co2 AdsorbentKaya Güzel, Gülcihan 
2021Düşük Maliyetli Silika Aerojel Kompozitlerin Morfolojik, Yapısal ve Termal ÖzellikleriKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2024Dye-Sensitized Sepiolite Clay as Natural Scaffolds for Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen EvolutionGenc, Acar, E.; Akyildiz, Y.O.; Kuru, T.; Yenel, E. ; Aslan, E.; Ersöz, M.; Kus, M. 
2023Eco-Friendly Approach for the Recovery of Lactic Acid by Complex ExtractionErdas, A.; Marti, M.E. 
2022Eco-Friendly Surface Modification Approach To Develop Thin Film Nanocomposite Membrane With Improved Desalination and Antifouling PropertiesKhoo, Ying Siew; Lau, Woei Jye; Liang, Yong Yeow; Karaman, Mustafa ; Gürsoy, Mehmet ; Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi
2022An Ecologically Sustainable Specific Method Using New Magnetic Alginate-Biochar From Acorn Cups (quercus Coccifera L.) for Decolorization of DyesParlayıcı, Ş. ; Pehlivan, E. 
2020Effect of Aging Solvents on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Silica Xerogels Derived From Steel SlagKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Effect of Au Nanoparticle Doped Zno Buffer Layer on Efficiency in Organic Solar CellsYurtdas, Semih; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tozlu, Cem
2019Effect of Borax Decahydrate on Thermal Properties of Electrospun Nylon 6,6 NanofibersKahraman Tutar, Havva ; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah 
2021Effect of Different Terminal Groups of Phenyl Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on the Photovoltaic Performance of Organic Solar CellsKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut 
2020Effect of Dynamic Viscosity on Nanofiber Diameters and Electrical Conductivity of Polyacrylonitrile Nanofibers Doped Nano-Cu ParticlesMpukuta, Olivier M.; Dinçer, Kevser ; Özaytekin, İlkay 
2024Effect of Shot-Peening Process and Nanoparticle-Added Lubricant on the Tribological Performance of Aluminium-Based Sliding Bearing MaterialKorkmaz, Şeyma; Çetin, M. Hüseyin ; Simsir, Hamza; Ünal, Okan; Temel, Farabi 
2023Effect of Ultrasound Treatment on Bacteriostatic Activity of Piezoelectric Phb-Tio2 Hybrid Biodegradable Scaffolds Prepared by Electrospinning TechniqueSarıipek, Fatma Bayram ; Ozaytekin, Ilkay ; Erci, Fatih
2024Effect of Various Aging Conditions and Treatment Methods on Thermal Degradation of Coffee Waste/Epoxy CompositesIşık, Murat; Özmeral, Nimet; Ahmetli, Gülnare ; Kalem, Merve Soğancıoğlu
2021Effect of Zno Concentration on Efficiency in Organic Solar CellsYurtdaş, Semih; Karaman, Mustafa ; Tozlu, Cem
2024Effective Isolation of Succinic Acid From Aqueous Media With the Use of Anion Exchange ResinsAsım, Hamayoun; Zeidan, Hani; Marti, Mustafa Esen 
2024Effective Oil/Water Separation Sorbent Based on Nylon 6,6-Organoclay Nanofiber MatsKahraman H.T.; Kılınç A.; Kurtuluş S.; Avcı A.; Pehlivan E. 
2020Effects of Various Methods of Chemical Modification of Lignocellulose Hazelnut Shell Waste on a Newly Synthesized Bio-Based Epoxy CompositeKocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2022Efficient Decolorization of Anionic Dye (methyl Blue) by Natural-Based Biosorbent (nano-Magnetic Sophora Japonica Fruit Seed Biochar)Bayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Moral, Emel; Gode, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol 
2022Efficient Decolorization of Cationic Dye (malachite Green) by Natural-Based Biosorbent (nano-Magnetic Sophora Japonica Fruit Seed Biochar)Bayram, Okan; Köksal, Elif; Moral, Emel; Gode, Fethiye; Pehlivan, Erol 
2024Efficient Recovery of Itaconic Acid Using Weak and Strong Anion Exchange Resins From Aqueous SolutionsCan, Cihat Erdem; Zeidan, Hani; Martı, Mustafa Esen 
2024Efficient Separation of Levulinic Acid Using Fly Ash From Sugar Beet ProcessingZeidan, H.; Marti, M. E.