Browsing by Author Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 25  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Aerogels as Promising Materials for Antibacterial Applications: a Mini-ReviewKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Aznar, Elena; Deveci, Hüseyin ; Martinez-Manez, Ramon
2020Antibacterial Activity of Linezolid Against Gram-Negative Bacteria: Utilization of Epsilon-Poly Capped Silica Xerogel as an Activating CarrierKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Medaglia, Serena; Candela-Noguera, Vicente; Tormo-Mas, Maria Angeles; Marcos, Maria Dolores; Aznar, Elena; Martinez-Manez, Ramon
2022Biochar Produced From Co-Pyrolysis of Olive Pomace & Crude Oil as an Adsorbent for Cr (vi) Removal From Aqueous SolutionsAlmezgagi, Maha; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Kar, Yakup; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Characterization of Stimuli-Responsive Acrylamide/Sodium Methacrylate/Kaolin Semi-Interpenetrating Polymer Network Composite HydrogelsGüzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Ciprofloxacin Adsorption Performance of Co-Doped Uio-66Yanardağ, Duygu ; Güzel Kaya, Gülcihan ; Edebali, Serpil 
2021Co2 Capture Using Polyethyleneimine Functionalized Silica XerogelsKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2022Design and Synthesis of Metal Oxide-Polymer CompositesKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Determination of Reswelling Properties and Water Diffusion Mechanism of Hydrogel CompositesYurttadur, Mehmet; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Diamine Functionalized Volcanic Tuff: a Promising Co2 AdsorbentKaya Güzel, Gülcihan 
2021Düşük Maliyetli Silika Aerojel Kompozitlerin Morfolojik, Yapısal ve Termal ÖzellikleriKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2020Effect of Aging Solvents on Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Silica Xerogels Derived From Steel SlagKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2021Green Fiber Thermoplastic CompositesKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2023Investigation of Physicochemical and Thermal Properties of Clay-Hydrogel CompositesÇirli, Firdevs; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2021Low-Cost Silica Xerogels as Potential Adsorbents for Ciprofloxacin RemovalKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Aznar, Elena; Deveci, Hüseyin ; Martinez-Manez, Ramon
2020Modified Silica Xerogel Derived From Groundnut Hull Ash by Alkyl-Ammonium Salt for Epoxy Nanocomposites: Synergistic Effects on Thermal Stability and Flame RetardancyKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2019A Novel Silica Xerogel Synthesized From Volcanic Tuff as an Adsorbent for High-Efficient Removal of Methylene Blue: Parameter Optimization Using Taguchi Experimental DesignKaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Yılmaz, Elif; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2021Polyethylene Glycol/Silica and Carbon Black/Silica Xerogel Composites as an Adsorbent for Co2 CaptureKaya Güzel, Gülcihan 
2023Polysaccharide Hydrogels as Emerging Material for Wastewater PurificationGüzel, Kaya G. 
2018Preparation and Characterization of Ph-Sensitive Semi-Interpenetrating Network Hybrid Hydrogels With Sodium Humate and KaolinYılmaz, Elif; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Deveci, Hüseyin 
2020Production of Cuo-Wo3 Hybrids and Their Dye Removal Capacity/Performance From Wastewater by Adsorption/PhotocatalysisDursun, Sami ; Koyuncu, Suna Nur; Kaya, İsmail Cihan ; Kaya Güzel, Gülcihan ; Kalem, Volkan ; Akyıldız, Hasan