Browsing by Author Yel, Esra

Showing results 1 to 20 of 41  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021The Adsorption of Cr(vi) and Organic Matter by New Generation Pyrolysis CharKalem, Merve ; Yel, Esra ; Arıkan, Zafer
2020Alternative Approach for Safe Disposal of Dry Olive Pomace: Pyrolysis With/Without Physical PreprocessingDinç, Gamze ; Yel, Esra 
2024Alternative Green Application Areas for Olive Pomace Catalytic Pyrolysis Biochar Obtained Via Marble Sludge CatalystGöktepeli, Gamze ; Özgan, Afra; Önen, Vildan ; Ahmetli, Gülnare ; Kalem, Merve ; Yel, Esra 
2019Atık Plastik Geri Dönüşüm Endüstrisi Atıksularının ArıtılabilirliğiÖzdemir, Nihan Canan
2019Atıksu Arıtma Tesislerinde Mikrokirleticilerinizlenmesi ve KontrolüKara, Meryem; Nas, Bilgehan ; Argun, Mehmet Emin ; Yel, Esra ; Dinç, Saliha; Koyuncu, Serdar
2019Baskılı Birinci Kalite Hamur Kâğıt Atıkların Geri DönüşümüÇelebi, Murat
2020Behaviour of Waste Polypropylene Pyrolysis Char-Based Epoxy Composite MaterialsSoğancıoğlu, Merve; Yel, Esra ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2019Chloride Adsorption by the Adsorbent Synthesized From Waste PaperÖzzeybek, Özge; Göktepeli, Gamze ; Yel, Esra 
2024Co-Flotation of Effluents From Detergent and Marble Processing Industries in Denver and Dispersed Air Flotation SystemsYel, E. ; Onen, V. ; Kalem, M.
2020Comparative Study of Olive Pomace Pyrolysis With/Without Ultrasonic PreprocessingDinç, Gamze ; Yel, Esra 
2021Comparison of Advanced Biological Treatment and Nature-Based Solutions for the Treatment of Pharmaceutically Active Compounds (phacs): a Comprehensive Study for Wastewater and Sewage SludgeNas, Bilgehan ; Dolu, Taylan ; Argun, Mehmet Emin ; Yel, Esra ; Ateş, Havva ; Koyuncu, Serdar
2023Comparison of Ca-Based Commercial and Natural Catalysts Performance on Olive Pomace Pyrolysis ProcessGöktepeli, Gamze ; Yel, Esra 
2022Designing Approach of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composite by Combination of Fibrillated Olive Pomace and Marble PowderKawano, Tessei; Dinç, Gamze ; Yel, Esra ; Andou, Yoshito
2022A Deterministic Approach in Waste Management: Delineation of Potential Territories in Turkey for Industrial Symbiosis of Olive Pomace, Marble Wastes and Plastics by Integrating Fuzzy Ahp To GisAkar, Ali Utku ; Yalpır, Şükran ; Sişman, Süleyman; Göktepeli, Gamze ; Yel, Esra 
2024Development of Sustainable Resource Recovery Approach From Agro-Industrial Wastes by Revealing the Economic Added Value PotentialGoktepeli, G.; Ozgan, A.; Onen, V. ; Ahmetli, G. ; Kalem, M.; Yel, E. 
2020Effects of Pyrolysis Conditions on Organic Fractions and Heat Values of Olive Mill Wastes Pyrolysis LiquidDinç, Gamze ; Işık, Ferda; Yel, Esra 
2024Evaluating Lake Water Quality With a Gis-Based Mcda Integrated Approach: a Case in Konya/KarapınarAkar, Ali Utku ; Şişman, Süleyman; Ülkü, Harika; Yel, Esra ; Yalpır, Şükran 
2022Evaluation of Occurrence, Fate and Removal of Priority Phthalate Esters (paes) in Wastewater and Sewage Sludge by Advanced Biological Treatment, Waste Stabilization Pond and Constructed WetlandNas, Bilgehan ; Ateş, Havva ; Dolu, Taylan ; Yel, Esra ; Argun, M. E. ; Koyuncu, S.; Dinç, S.
2023Fate and Removal of Pesticides in Solid and Liquid Phases of Metropolitan, Urban and Rural-Scale Wastewater Treatment PlantsNas, Bilgehan ; Yel, Esra ; Argun, M. E. ; Dinc, S.; Kara, M.; Koyuncu, S.; Dolu, Taylan 
2020Investigation of the Effects of Different Sulfate Types Found in Seawater on Concrete Containing Micro Fiber and Silica FumeSaydan, Murat ; Rahimi, Nematullah; Yel, Esra ; Keskin, Ülkü Sultan