Browsing by Author Ahmetli, Gülnare

Showing results 1 to 20 of 35  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021Application of various carboxylic acids modified walnut shell waste as natural filler for epoxy-based compositesAlbaker, Ruya Isam Bakr; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Martı, Mustafa Esen ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2023Badem kabuğu atığı dolgulu epoksi biyokompozit özelliklerinin incelenmesiÖzmeral, Nimet; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2020Behaviour of waste polypropylene pyrolysis char-based epoxy composite materialsSoğancıoğlu, Merve; Yel, Esra ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2022Characterization of unmodified and modified apricot kernel shell/epoxy resin biocomposites by ultrasonic wave velocitiesOral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2022Coating and Flammability Properties of Modified Epoxy-Based Hybrid CompositesÖzmeral, Nimet; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2022Comparative Study on Epoxy-Based NanocompositesIşık, Murat; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2023Determination of mechanical and damping properties of hazelnut shell powder reinforced biocomposites by ultrasonic methodOral, İmran; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Cerit, Alaaddin; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2024Development of sustainable resource recovery approach from agro-industrial wastes by revealing the economic added value potentialGoktepeli, G.; Ozgan, A.; Onen, V. ; Ahmetli, G. ; Kalem, M.; Yel, E. 
2020Effects of Various Methods of Chemical Modification of Lignocellulose Hazelnut Shell Waste on a Newly Synthesized Bio-based Epoxy CompositeKocaman, Süheyla ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2023Evaluation of EPDM waste in environmentally friendly epoxy hybrid compositesTemiz, M.; Kocaman, S.; Ahmetli, G. 
2019Evaluation of Fatty Acid Waste in the Synthesis of Oligo(Ether-Ester)sKocaman, Süheyla ; Cerit, A.; Soydal, Ülkü; Martı, M. E. ; Ahmetli, G. 
2022Evaluation of Rubber Wastes in CompositesÖzmeral, Nimet; Türkben, Merve; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2024Halogen-free boron-based hybrid system for enhancing flame retardancy, mechanical and thermal properties of epoxyKocaman, S.; Temiz, M.; Işık, M.; Ahmetli, G. ; Ceyhan, A.A.; Karakaya, Ş.
2023Implementation of the PECVD process to produce a novel range of filler-polymer-coated perlites for use in epoxy compositesKara, A.S.; Ahmetli, G. ; Karaman, M. ; Kocaman, S.; Işık, M.; Gürsoy, M. 
2021Improving the flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy composites using flame retardants with red mud wasteKuşaklı, Sefa; Kocaman, Süheyla ; Ceyhan, Ayhan Abdullah ; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2021Influence of cotton waste and flame-retardant additives on the mechanical, thermal, and flammability properties of phenolic novolac epoxy compositesKocaman, Süheyla ; Soydal, Ülkü; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2021Investigation of Properties of Renewable Films Prepared With Aloe Vera GelSoydal, Ülkü; Yıldırım, Murat; Okçuoğlu, Merve Ceren; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2019Lastik ve EPDM kauçuğu atıklarının kompozit malzemede kullanımıTürkben, Merve
2023Lignocellulose coffee waste-based epoxy composites: effect of various treatment methods on composite propertiesÖzmeral, Nimet; Işık, Murat; Soğancıoglu Kalem, Merve; Ahmetli, Gülnare 
2022Marble processing effluent treatment sludge in waste PET pyrolysis as catalyst-I: pyrolysis product yields and the char characteristicsÖnen, V. ; Ozgan, A.; Göktepeli, G. ; Kalem, M.; Ahmetli, G. ; Yel, Esra