Browsing by Author Kesen, Saadettin Erhan

Showing results 1 to 20 of 26  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Bi-Objective Coordinated Production and Transportation Scheduling Problem With Sustainability: Formulation and Solution ApproachesYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2021Bi-Objective Optimization for Joint Production Scheduling and Distribution Problem With SustainabilityYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2023Business Models for Electric Vehicle Fixed Charging Station Infrastructure With Commercial and Non-Commercial UsesErdeş, H. ; Kesen, S.E. 
2021Bütünleşik Üretim ve Dağıtım Çizelgeleme Problemleri için Çözüm YaklaşımlarıYağmur, Ece Çetin
2020Estimation of Turkey’s Natural Gas Consumption by Machine Learning TechniquesErdem, Osman Emin; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2018Forward Supply Chain Network Design Problem: Heuristic ApproachesKoç, Çağrı; Özceylan, Eren; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan ; Çil, Zeynel Abidin; Mete, Süleyman
2020Integrated Production and Outbound Distribution Activities With Multiple VehiclesYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2020Integrated Production and Outbound Distribution Scheduling Problem With Due DatesYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2019Integrated Production Scheduling and Distribution Planning With Time WindowsKesen, Saadettin Erhan ; Bektaş, T.
2024Integrated Production Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem With Energy Efficient Strategies: Mathematical Formulation and Metaheuristic AlgorithmsYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2023Inventory ManagementMavzeroğlu, Ş.Z.; Kesen, S.E. 
2022Investigating the Effects of Various Control Measures on Economy and Spread of Covid-19 in Turkey: a System Dynamics ApproachAlim, Muzaffer; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2019Konya İlinde Bulunan Özel Hastanelerdeki Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçülmesi: Akademik Personele Yönelik Araştırma [article]Güler, Büşra; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2019Konya İlinde Bulunan Özel Hastanelerdeki Hizmet Kalitesinin Ölçülmesi: Akademik Personele Yönelik Araştırma [master Thesis]Güler, Büşra
2019Makine Öğrenme Teknikleri ile Türkiye'nin Doğalgaz Enerji Tüketiminin TahminlenmesiErdem, Osman Emin
2020A Memetic Algorithm for Joint Production and Distribution Scheduling With Due DatesYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2021Multi-Trip Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Problem Coordinated With Production Scheduling: Memetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing ApproachesYağmur, Ece ; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan 
2023Operational Integration of Supply Chain Activities With Earliness and Tardiness ConsiderationsYağmur, E.; Kesen, S.E. 
2023Planning and SchedulingYağmur, E.; Kesen, S.E. 
2019Reducing the Impact of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Disease by Domestic Animals and Tilapia Fish: a System Dynamics ModelKurt, Şeyma; Kesen, Saadettin Erhan