Browsing by Author Aksoylu, Ceyhun

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Application of waste ceramic powder as a cement replacement in reinforced concrete beams toward sustainable usage in constructionAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Öztiliç, Yasin Onuralp; Bahrami, Alireza; Yıldızel, Sadık Alper; Hakem, İbrahim Y.; Özdöner, Nebi; Başaran, Boğaçhan
2022ARTICLE INFO Keywords: CFRP Reinforced Concrete T-beams Strengthening Analytical analysis Anchorage Building Codes Damage analysisYazman, Şakir; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Gemi, Lokman; Arslan, Musa Hakan ; Hamad, Ahmed Abed; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp
2022Behavior of CFRP-strengthened RC beams with circular web openings in shear zones: Numerical studyÖzkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Yazman, Şakir; Gemi, Lokman; Arslan, Musa Hakan 
2023Bending performance of dapped-end beams having web opening: Experimental and numerical investigationAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Özkiliç, Yasin Onuralp; Celedir, Emrullah; Arslan, Musa Hakan 
2022Beton dayanımının farklı CFRP tipleri ile güçlendirilmiş kesme kirişlerinin davranışına olan etkisiAlav, Deniz Sarı
2023Buckling Analysis of CNT-Reinforced Polymer Composite Beam Using Experimental and Analytical MethodsMadenci, Emrah; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Asyraf, Muhammad Rizal Muhammad; Syamsir, Agusril; Supian, Abu Bakar Mohd; Mamaev, Nicolay
2020A comparative study on ASCE 7-16, TBEC-2018 and TEC-2007 for reinforced concrete buildingsAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Mobark, Ahmed; Arslan, Musa Hakan ; Erkan, İbrahim Hakkı 
2022Compressive Behavior of Pultruded GFRP Boxes with Concentric Openings Strengthened by Different Composite WrappingsAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Madenci, Emrah; Safonov, Alexander
2024Crashworthiness performance of filament wound GFRP composite pipes depending on winding angle and number of layersHakeem, I.Y.; Özkiliç, Y.O.; Bahrami, A.; Aksoylu, C. ; Madenci, E.; Asyraf, M.R.M.; Beskopylny, A.N.
2023Creep Properties and Analysis of Cross Arms' Materials and Structures in Latticed Transmission Towers: Current Progress and Future PerspectivesAsyraf, Muhammad Rizal Muhammad; Rafidah, Mazlan; Madenci, Emrah; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Razman, Muhammad Rizal; Ramli, Zuliskandar
2019Çerçeve Türü Betonarme Binaların Periyod Hesaplarının Farklı Ampirik Bağıntılara Göre İrdelenmesiAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Arslan, Musa Hakan 
2020Damages on prefabricated concrete dapped-end purlins due to snow loads and a novel reinforcement detailAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Arslan, Musa Hakan 
2022Effect of the GFRP wrapping on the shear and bending Behavior of RC beams with GFRP encasementÖzKılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Gemi, Lokman; Madenci, Emrah; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Kalkan, İlker
2022Effect of the GFRP wrapping on the shear and bending Behavior of RC beams with GFRP encasement [2]Özkılıç, Y.O.; Gemi, L.; Madenci, E.; Aksoylu, C. ; Kalkan, İ.
2022The Effects of Eccentric Web Openings on the Compressive Performance of Pultruded GFRP Boxes Wrapped with GFRP and CFRP SheetsMadenci, Emrah; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Safonov, Alexander
2023Effects of stirrup spacing on shear performance of hybrid composite beams produced by pultruded GFRP profile infilled with reinforced concreteÖzkılıç, Y.O.; Gemi, L.; Madenci, E.; Aksoylu, C. 
2024Effects of the location and size of web openings on shear behavior of clamped-clamped reinforced concrete beamsAksoylu, C. ; Özkiliç, Y.O.; Hakeem, I.Y.; Kalkan, I.
2022Effects of Waste Powder, Fine and Coarse Marble Aggregates on Concrete Compressive StrengthBaşaran, Boğaçhan; Kalkan, İlker; Aksoylu, Ceyhun ; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Sabri, Mohanad Muayad Sabri
2020Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete shear deficient beams with circular web openings strengthened by CFRP compositeAksoylu, Ceyhun ; Yazman, Şakir; Özkılıç, Yasin Onuralp; Gemi, Lokman; Arslan, Musa Hakan