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Title: Amplifying the Dielectric Constant of Shellac by Incorporating Natural Clays for Organic Field Effect Transistors (ofets)
Authors: Kim, S.
Yumuşak, Ç.
Irimia, C.V.
Bednorz, M.
Yenel, E.
Kuş, M.
Sariçiftçi, N.S.
Keywords: natural clays
natural dielectric
shellac-clays composite
Publisher: TUBITAK
Abstract: We demonstrate in this work the practical use of uniform mixtures of a bioresin shellac and four natural clays, i.e. montmorillonite, sepiolite, halloysite and vermiculate as dielectrics in organic field effect transistors (OFETs). We present a thorough characterization of their processability and film forming characteristic, surface characterization, elaborate dielectric investigation and the fabrication of field effect transistors with two classic organic semiconductors, i.e. pentacene and fullerene C60. We show that low operating voltage of approximately 4 V is possible for all the OFETs using several combinations of clays and shellac. The capacitance measurements show an improvement of the dielectric constant of shellac by a factor of 2, to values in excess of 7 in the uniform mixtures of sepiolite and montmorillonite with this bioresin. © TÜBİTAK.
ISSN: 2241-4487
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