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Title: Urban Conservation Proposal: the Case of Şile Balibey District
Authors: Aydin Cura, Betül
Eyüpgiller, Kemal Kutgün
Keywords: Şile
urban conservation
urban texture
vernacular architecture
timber construction system
Publisher: Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design
Abstract: The Balıbey district, analyzed in the scope of this paper, is one of the important surviving districts of the area. This district of importance with its plan schemes, building materials, construction techniques and beautiful large vegetable gardens, was approved as the Şile Central Urban Site and a 1st and 2nd degree natural conservation site area by the Second Board for the Conservation of Cultural and Natural Heritage of Istanbul with its resolution dated 01.28.1992 and numbered 2796.Urban space analyses were made through field surveys in order to document the present situation, identify the problems, assess the potentials and recommendations were also developed to reveal these potentials. All the buildings in Balibey district of the urban conservation site were examined, the analysis maps prepared in 1/1000 scale were synthesized and proposal maps were prepared. The present situation has been documented, and recommendations have been presented by silhouette studies plans in 1/200 scale conducted on ‘Cami Street’ the most well-preserved axis of the district.  The plans, façade and building materials of the buildings that preserved their originality were considered on a single building scale and classified according to their typology.By mentioning the legal process, suggestions were developed in order to resolve the problems which arise from interaction between the whole district and the work area in Şile, where conservation plan and reconstruction plan do not coalesce. In this work, the aim was to identify the path to be followed for the gentrification of the Balibey District Urban Site Area integrated with the city as a whole, keeping its characteristics and original inhabitants to be handed to future generations.
Description: iconarpID: 277
ISSN: 2147-9380
Appears in Collections:ICONARP - International Journal of Architecture and Planning

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