Tez Koleksiyonu : [1115] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1115
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Investigation of the Relations Between the Physical-Mechanical and Abrasive Properties of Rocks and the Texture Coefficient and the Calculation of the Rock Texture Coefficient Using Image Processing TechniqueKarakaya, Emre 
2024Determination of Risky Areas Using Sustainable Indicators in Urban TransformationÖzdemir, Sıtkı Alper
2024Command Control With Brain Computer Interface (bci)Yüzügül, Nuriye Berna
2024Developing of a New In-Situ Monitoring System To Determine the Time-Dependent Mechanical Behaviours of Underground Mine Pillars: Electrical Measurement MethodÇetinkaya, Mahmut Yasin
2024İnvestigation of the Effects of Reducing the Number of Balls To 3 in Double-Deck Roller Mills on GrindingAslan, Kaşif
2024Investigation of Fatigue Strength of Pitman Arm Designed According To Topology OptimizationAçıkgöz, Kubilay
2024Experimental Investigation of Conjugate Forced Convection Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Circular PipeSezer, Orkun
2024Optimization and Economics of Landsolar Power Plant ProjectsEsfendiyar, Selin
2024Use of Thermal Insulation Plasters To Increase Thermal Performance in Historical Residential Buildings: the Case of Ankara BeypazarıEvkaya, Berfin
2024A Study on the Relationship Between the Increase in the Value of Real Estate as a Result of Zoning Planning and Implementation and the Free Dop DeductionDanışman, Ali İhsan
2024Investigation of the Accuracy of Maps Produced With Simultanious Mapping and AlgorithmErdal, Kasım
2024Correlation Between Crack Propagation and Toughness in Rocks and ConcretesUzbaş, Mehmet 
2024Shopping Centers Evaluation of Accessibility: Konya Province ExampleÜstüner, Beyza
2024Application of Artificial Intelligence in Economic Analysis of Land Consolidation ProjectsSatılmış, Ramazan Yoldaş
2024Investigation of Beacon-Based Location Determination Methods Indoor in Terms of Accuracy and UsabilityÇakır, Recep
2024Investigation of the Dye and Antibiotic Removal Efficiency of Some Metal-Organic Framework (mof) CompoundsKola, Duygu Yanardağ
2024Experimental Investigation of Effect of Damage, Repair and Strengthening on Dynamic Behavior in R C BuildingsNakipoğlu, Abdulhamit 
2024Historical Development of Apartment Buildings in Yozgatİlgün, Şener
2024Ağaç Meyve Çekirdeklerinden Üretilen Biyoçar ve Nano Biyoçar Kompozitlerin Sentezi, Karakterizasyonu ve Bazı Katyonik Boyaların Sulu Çözeltilerden Gideriminde UygulamalarıÖzkök, Büşra
2024Üniversitelerin Kentsel Yerleşimi Bağlamında Değerlendirilmesi: Konya ÖrneğiBerber, Ayşegül 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1115