Browsing by Author Sayit, Kaan

Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Biostratigraphy of Lower Permian foraminiferal assemblages from platform-slope carbonate blocks within the Mersin Melange, southern Turkey: Paleogeographical implicationsOkuyucu, Cengiz ; Tekin, U. Kağan; Bedi, Yavuz; Sayit, Kaan
2020Carnian (Upper Triassic) Lavas and Tuffites from the Mersin Melange: Evidence for Intraoceanic Arc Rifting in the Northern NeotethysSayit, Kaan; Bedi, Yavuz; Tekin, U. Kağan; Okuyucu, Cengiz 
2021First recovery of late Early Triassic (Spathian) pelagic assemblages (radiolarians and conodonts) from block in the Upper Karakaya Complex near Ankara City, central Turkey: Biostratigraphical remarks and correlationTekin, U. Kağan; Kamata, Yoshihito; Krystyn, Leopold; Okuyucu, Cengiz ; Sayit, Kaan; Nalbantlı, Mustafa
2020Late Triassic to Early Jurassic radiolarian, conodont and ammonite assemblages from the Tavuscayiri block, Mersin Melange, southern Turkey: Time constraints for the T/J boundary and sedimentary evolution of the southern margin of the northern NeotethysTekin, U. Kağan; Krystyn, Leopold; Okuyucu, Cengiz ; Bedi, Yavuz; Sayit, Kaan
2024Latest Carboniferous-Early Permian Rifting of the Northern Gondwanan Margin and the Opening of the Northern Neotethys: New Evidence from the Carboniferous and Permian Foraminiferal Assemblages from the Beysehir-Hoyran Nappes, Central Taurides (Southern Turkey)Okuyucu, Cengiz ; Tekin, U. Kağan; Güzgün, Çağrı; Sayit, Kaan