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Title: Considering Computer Games as a Learning Tool
Authors: Coşkun, Emirhan
Keywords: computer games
learning tool
Publisher: Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design
Abstract: This paper describes several aspects of the growing research field interested in video ganıes in education. The idea of reviewing conıputer ganıes is derived fronı developing a franıework of using ganıes as cognitive tools and integrating into the classroonı. In this paper three different fields related with the cognitive inıpact playing of video gam es are reviewed: abilities and skills, attitudes and nıotivation, knowledge and content leaming. However, nıost studies use video ganıes as new experinıental nıaterials and tasks to contribute to their specific field, and not as a scientific object of interest. Research on video ganıes need a nıethodological franıework in which results and effects can be conıpared, interpreted and generalized. Video ganıes can have nıultiple effects on players and these effects can be used as educational potentials. An enıpirically-based classification of ganıes, depending on their potential effects for an educational purpose, is strongly needed. Likewise, a unified research paradignı and nıethodologies to carry on reliable research on video ganıes have to be developed.
Description: 48
Appears in Collections:ICONARCH - International Congress of Architecture and Planning

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