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Title: Revitalization of Cultural and Aesthetical Assets of Iranian Traditional Bazaar
Authors: Ziyaee, Maryam
Keywords: Cultural identity
cultural landscape
Iranian traditional bazaar
transformation of city center.
Publisher: Konya Technical University Faculty of Architecture and Design
Abstract: In recent decades, modernization is extensively changing the face of Iranian cities. Besides, urban places are losing their traditional features, identity and cultural characteristics. Conservation of cultural heritage resources rescued historical parts of the cities; hence, other traditional urban spaces do not receive enough attention and protection due to economic concerns. Mashhad, as one of the main religious touristic destinations in Iran, is unfortunately losing its traditional features due to extensive attractions of physical transformations. Economic profits fascinating constructions into the city center of Mashhad, specially surrounding areas of the holly shrine. This issue has been led to demolishment of the old texture of the city center. Sarshoor bazaar is one of rescued traditional urban public spaces in city center of Mashhad with characteristics of an Iranian ancient bazaar.  This study mainly focuses on cultural and aesthetical patterns of traditional Iranian bazaars in order to provide a conceptual strategy for revitalization of Sarshoor bazaar. To this aim, a theoretical review is provided through main representative factors of cultural landscape to decide about a proper strategy for improving cultural quality of the selected case study. We also provide a practical analysis through social and behavioral patterns of the citizens and pilgrims in public spaces to realize material and immaterial features of Sarshoor bazaar, and consequently, find out any possible opportunity of improving tangible and intangible characteristics of this case study area.To capture cultural landscape qualities of Sarshoor bazaar, a final design is provided to envelope a light traditional surface representing the visual landscape of the bazaar. Main passage and piazzas are also equipped for the movements of pilgrims and setting up annual traditional and social events.
Description: iconarpID: 165
ISSN: 2147-9380
Appears in Collections:ICONARP - International Journal of Architecture and Planning

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