Organization name
07. 04. Department of Chemistry and Chemical Processing Technologies
The Department of Chemistry and Chemistry Technology aims to train qualified  professional staff knowledgeable in the field of basic chemistry and chemistry technology, able to transform  their knowledge and experience into practical applications, open to social and technological innovations, self-confident, entrepreneurial, productive, respectful to human and environment, acting as a bridge between chemical engineers and chemists and workers  in line with scientific and technological developments and having gained the necessary professional qualifications. Our vision is to train occupational staff who are beneficial to the society, sensitive to the environment, and having acquired the necessary professional competencies in line with scientific and technological developments. Our mission is to train technical staff knowledgeable in the field of basic chemistry and chemistry technology, able to transform their knowledge and experience into practical applications, open to social and technological innovations, entrepreneurial, self-confident, productive, and respectful to human and environment. It is an associate degree program aiming to equip the students with professional and academic qualifications.