Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Data Mining in a Smart Traffic Light Control System Based on Image Processing and Knn Classification Algorithm | Yusefi, Abdullah; Altun, Adem Alpaslan; Sungur, Cemil |
2023 | Deep Learning Based Human Robot Interaction With 5g Communication | Osmanpaşaoğlu, Zeynep; Barstuğan, Mücahid |
2021 | Deep Learning Based Super Resolution and Classification Applications for Neonatal Thermal Images | Şenalp, Fatih Mehmet; Ceylan, Murat |
2022 | Deep Learning Based Super Resolution Application for a New Data Set Consisting of Thermal Facial Images | Şenalp, Fatih Mehmet; Ceylan, Murat |
2020 | Deep Learning Methods in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles | Ataner, Ercan; Özdeş, Büşra; Öztürk, Gamze; Çelik, Taha Yasin Can; Durdu, Akif ; Terzioğlu, Hakan |
2024 | Deep Learning Stack Lstm Based Mppt Control of Dual Stage 100 Kwp Grid-Tied Solar Pv System | Younas, U.; Kulaksiz, A.A. ; Ali, Z. |
2024 | Deep Learning-Based Approaches To Improve Classification Parameters for Diagnosing Covid-19 From Ct Images | Yaşar, Hüseyin; Ceylan, Murat |
2020 | A Deep Learning-Based Quality Control Application | Korkmaz, Mehmet; Barstugan, Mücahid |
2020 | Deep Learning-Based Weathering Type Recognition in Historical Stone Monuments | Hatır, Mehmet Ergün; Barstuğan, Mücahid ; İnce, İsmail |
2021 | Deep Transfer Learning and Majority Voting Approaches for Osteoporosis Classification | Ashames, M.M.; Ceylan, Murat ; Jennane, R. |
2020 | Derin Öğrenme Yöntemleri ile Gpr B Tarama Görüntülerinin Analizi | Özkaya, Umut |
2023 | Design and Analysis of an Improved Single-Phase Quasi-Z Inverter | Endiz, Mustafa Sacid; Akkaya, Ramazan |
2018 | Design and Analysis of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic (pv) Systems Under Uncertain Weather Conditions | Younas, Umair; Akdemir, Bayram ; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2018 | Design and Analysis of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic (pv) Systems Under Uncertain Weather Conditions | Younas, U.; Akdemir, Bayram ; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2022 | Design and Implementation of a Quasi-Z Inverter | Endiz, Mustafa Sacid; Akkaya, Ramazan |
2019 | Design and Implementation of a Test Setup for Electric Mobility Scooter for the Disabled | Akkaya, Ramazan ; Kazan, Fatih Alpaslan |
2020 | Design and Implementation of a Wind Turbine Emulator Using an Induction Motor and Direct Current Machine | Gökkuş, Göksel; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2018 | Design and Simulation of the Hierarchical Tree Topology Based Wireless Drone Networks | Çeltek, Seyit Alperen; Durdu, Akif ; Kurnaz, Ender |
2021 | Design of a Digital Lock-In Amplifier Using Xilinx System Generator | Demirtaş, Mehmet; Erişmiş, Mehmet Akif; Güneş, Salih |
2019 | Design of a Distributed Control System With Fuzzy Logic Controller and Plc in Wireless Sensor Network Based Industrial Environments and Monitoring the System With Rfid | Durdu, Akif ; Bozkurt, Üzeyir İlbay; Ergene, Mehmet Celalettin |
2020 | Design of a Fuzzy Logic-Based Mppt Controller for a Pv System Employing Sensorless Control of Mras-Based Pmsm | Anwer, Abbas Mahmood Oghor; Omar, Fuad Alhaj; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2021 | Design of Adaptive Speed Control System With Model Predictive Control | Budak, S. ; Sungur, C. ; Terzioğlu, H. |
2020 | Design of Communication and Power Systems in Unmanned Underwater Vehicles | Ataner, Ercan; Özdeş, Büşra; Öztürk, Gamze; Çelik, Taha Yasin Can; Durdu, Akif ; Terzioğlu, Hakan |
2023 | Designing of High Voltage Cable Bonding With Intelligence Algorithms To Avoid Cable Insulation Faults and Electroshock in High Voltage Lines | Akbal, B. |
2021 | A Detailed Study About Cdw-Pso, Bwo and Gm-Cpso Methods on Continuous Function Optimization | Koyuncu, Hasan |
2020 | Detection of Defects on Single-Bead Welding by Machine Learning Methods | Barstuğan, Mücahid ; Ceran, Yavuz Selim; Yılmaz, Musa; Dündar, Niyazi Adem |
2021 | Detection of Vortex Cavitation With the Method Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Networks in the Deep Well Pumps | Durdu, Akif ; Çeltek, Seyit Alperen; Orhan, Nuri |
2020 | Determination of Cardiovascular Occlusion With Microstrip Antennas | Uyanık, H.; Uzer, Dilek ; Top, R.; Gültekin, S.S. |
2021 | Determination of the Amount of Grain in Silos With Deep Learning Methods Based on Radar Spectrogram Data | Duysak, Hüseyin; Özkaya, Umut ; Yiğit, Enes |
2023 | Determining the Most Powerful Features in the Design of an Automatic Sleep Staging System | Özşen, Seral ; Koca, Yasin; Tezel, Gülay ; Çeper, Sena ; Küççüktürk, Serkan; Vatansev, Hülya |
2022 | Development of a Test System To Make Circularity Measurements of Rubber Bushing After Stress Relief Br | Özel, Muhammed Abdullah; Baysal, Selim Sefa; Sungur, Cemil |
2020 | Dijkstra Algorithm Using Uav Path Planning | Dhulkefl, Elaf; Durdu, Akif ; Terzioğlu, Hakan |
30-Nov-2018 | Dimension Forecast in Microstrip Antenna for C/X Band by Artificial Neural Network | Özkaya, Umut ; Seyfi, Levent |
2021 | Dimension Optimization of Multi-Band Microstrip Antennas Using Deep Learning Methods | Özkaya, Umut ; Seyfi, Leventl ; Öztürk, Şaban |
2020 | Discrete Time State Estimation With Kalman Filter and Adaptive Lqr Control of a Time Varying Linear System | Levent, Mehmet Latif; Aydoğdu, Ömer ; Yücelbaş, Cüneyt |
2022 | Discrimination of Electrical Motor Faults in Thermal Images by Using First-Order Statistics and Classifiers | Sakallı, Gönül; Koyuncu, Hasan |
2020 | Djı Tello ile Ros Tabanlı Haritalandırma Simülasyonu | Buyukkelek, Ahmet Furkan; Dağadası, Mert; Türkmenoğlu, Yasin; Yusefi, Abdullah; Durdu, Akif |
2021 | Dsp Tabanlı Fırçasız Doğru Akım Motorunun Bulanık Mantık ile Kontrolü | Bahadır, Ali; Aydoğdu, Ömer |
2020 | Dsp-Based Scalar Control of a Three-Phase Induction Motor Powered by Solar Photovoltaic Panels | Younas, Umair; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2020 | A Dual-input Multi-label Classification Approach for Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring via Deep Learning | Çimen, Halil; Palacios-Garcia, Emilio J.; Çetinkaya, Nurettin ; Vasquez, Juan C.; Guerrero, Josep M. |
2020 | Düşük Çözünürlüklü Termal Yüz Görüntü Çözünürlüğünün Derin Öğrenme İle Artırılması | Şenalp, Fatih Mehmet; Ceylan, Murat |
2020 | The Effect of Dictionary Learning on Weight Update of Adaboost and Ecg Classification | Barstuğan, Mücahid ; Ceylan, Rahime |
2021 | Effect of Generalized Improper Gaussian Noise and In-phase/Quadrature-phase Imbalance on Quadrature Spatial Modulation | Alsmadi, Malek M.; Canbilen, Ayşe Elif ; Abu Ali, Najah; Ikki, Salama Said |
2023 | The Effect of Hardware Impairments on Ofdm-Im Systems Over Generalized Non-Homogeneous Fading Channels | Ceniklioglu, B.; Develi, I.; Canbilen, A.E. |
2022 | The Effect of Hardware Impairments on the Error Bounds of Localization and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of <inline-Formula><tex Notation="latex">$mm$</Tex-math>< Miso-Ofdm Systems | Tubail, D.; Ceniklioğlu, B.; Canbilen, A.E. ; Develi, I.; Ikki, S.S. |
2021 | The Effect of Increases in User Weight and Road Slope on Energy Consumption in Disabled Vehicle Driven With Pmsm | Kazan, Fatih Alpaslan; Akkaya, Ramazan |
2022 | The Effect of Road Slope on Parameters of Disabled Vehicle Driven by Pmdc Motor | Kazan, Fatih Alpaslan; Akkaya, Ramazan |
2025 | The Effects of Balance and Strength on Thermal Heatmap | Besnili Ş.; Dinkul İ.; Bayrak A.; Çevik M.; Ceylan M. |
2022 | Effects of the Deep Learning-Based Super-Resolution Method on Thermal Image Classification Applications | Şenalp, Fatih Mehmet; Ceylan, Murat |
2021 | Efficient Multitask Learning Analyses on Grain Silo Measurement | Özkaya, Umut ; Duysak, Hüseyin; Yiğit, Enes |
2018 | An Efficient Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Using Morphological Operations | Özkaya, Umut ; Öztürk, Şaban; Akdemir, B. ; Seyfi, Leventl |
2019 | Eğitim Amaçlı İnsan - Makine Etkileşimi ve Fizik Tedavi Uygulaması | Erdoğan, Kemal |
2020 | Elektrik Tesislerinde Gerilim Kararlılığının Sağlanması için Kullanılan Yöntemler | Yeşilyurt, Tuğçe ; Akbal, Bahadır |
2020 | Elektrikli Araç Şarj Cihazlarında Kullanılan Güç Faktörü Düzeltmeli Yükseltici Tip Dönüştürücünün Analizi | Özdentürk, Aybüke; Akkaya, Ramazan |
2020 | Endüstriyel Nesnelerin İnterneti Kullanılabilmesi için Canbus Wi-fi Dönüştürücüsü Tasarlanması | Üzülmez, Hasan; Canan, Süleyman; Akdemir, Bayram |
2022 | Endüstriyel Tesislerde Ges Bağlandıktan Sonra Reaktif/aktif Güç Oranının Ysa İle Belirlenmesi | İşin, Emine ; Çetinkaya, Nurettin |
2024 | Enhanced Obstacle Detection in Autonomous Vehicles Using 3d Lidar Mapping Techniques | Tokgoz, M.E.; Yusefi, A.; Toy, I.; Durdu, A. |
2020 | Enhancement of Near Field Gb-Sar Image Quality Using Beamwidth Filter | Yiğit, Enes; Özkaya, Umut ; Ozturk, Saban |
2023 | Ensuring Energy Balance for Sudden Demand Changes in Smart Grids | Karyeyen, Ahmet; Çetinkaya, Nurettin |
2024 | Error Analysis of Ofdm-Im Systems for Beyond 5g: the Effect of Iqi at Transceiver | Ceniklioğlu, Büşra; Develi, İbrahim; Canbilen, Ayşe Elif |
2022 | Error Analysis of the Joint Localization and Synchronization of Ris-Assisted Mm-Wave Miso-Ofdm Under the Effect of Hardware Impairments | Ceniklioğlu, Büşra; Tubail, Deeb Assad; Canbilen, Ayse Elif ; Develi, İbrahim; İkki, Salama S. |
2022 | Error Bounds for 3d Localization and Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Mm-Wave Miso Ofdm Systems in the Presence of Hardware Impairments | Tubail, Deeb Assad; Ceniklioğlu, Buşra; Canbilen, Ayşe Elif ; Develi, Ibrahim; Ikki, Salama |
2025 | Error Performance of Df Cooperative Smts With I/Q Imbalance Over Beckmann Fading Channels | Canbilen, Ayşe Elif ; Develi, Ibrahim; Gültekin, Seyfettin Sinan |
2023 | Estimation of Random Channel Gain for Sisovisible Light Communications System | Yaseen, Maysa; Canbilen, Ayse E. ; Ikki, Salama |
2021 | Evaluating Action Durations for Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Based on Deep Q-Learning | Çeltek, Seyit Alperen; Durdu, Akif ; Ali, Muzamil Eltejani Mohammed |
2020 | Evaluation and Comparison of Electromagnetic and Scattering Parameters Data of Two Microstrip Patch Antennas Operating in Ism Band for Cancer Detection | Top, Rabia; Gültekin, Seyfettin Sinan; Uzer, Dilek |
2023 | Evaluation of Deep Learning Models for Lower Extremity Muscle Segmentation in Thermal Imaging | Ergene, M.C.; Bayrak, A.; Çevik, M.; Ceylan, M. |
2019 | Evaluation of Spectrum Occupancy and Comparison for Three Different Regions | Şeflek, İbrahim ; Yaldız, Ercan |
2021 | Evaluation of the Relationship Between the Physical Properties and Capillary Water Absorption Values of Building Stones by Regression Analysis and Artificial Neural Networks | İnce, İsmail ; Bozdağ, Ali ; Barstuğan, Mücahid ; Fener, Mustafa |
2021 | Experimental Evaluation of a Hybrid Global Maximum Power Tracking Algorithm Based on Modified Firefly and Perturbation and Observation Algorithms | Omar, Fuad Alhaj; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2021 | Experimental Evaluation of Water Cycle Technique for Control Parameters Optimization of Double-Fed Induction Generator-Based Wind Turbine | Bakır, Hale; Merabet, Adel; Dhar, Rupak Kanti; Kulaksız, Ahmet Afşin |
2022 | Experimental Investigation of Range Measurement Error for Radar Under Different Weather Conditions | Ünler, Tarık; Seyfi, Levent |
2021 | An Experimental Study: Detecting the Respiration Rates of Multiple Stationary Human Targets by Stepped Frequency Continuous Wave Radar | Acar, Yunus Emre; Sarıtaş, İsmail; Yaldız, Ercan |
2021 | Explainable Artificial Intelligence (xai): Classification of Medical Thermal Images of Neonates Using Class Activation Maps | Örnek, Ahmet H.; Ceylan, Murat |
2020 | Explainable Features in Classification of Neonatal Thermograms | Örnek, Ahmet Haydar; Ceylan, Murat |
2019 | An Extensive Study for Binary Characterisation of Adrenal Tumours | Koyuncu, Hasan ; Ceylan, Rahime ; Asoğlu, Semih; Cebeci, Hakan; Koplay, Mustafa |
2022 | Face Detection by Measuring Thermal Value To Avoid Covid-19 | Tuna, Kubilay; Akdemir, Bayram |
2022 | Farklı Konumsal Tahmin Yöntemlerinin Toprak Haritalama Sonuçlarına Etkisinin Araştırılması | Akkaya, Ramazan |
2022 | Fast Evaluation of Unhealthy and Healthy Neonates Using Hyperspectral Features on 700-850 Nm Wavelengths, Roi Extraction, and 3d-Cnn | Cihan, Mücahit; Ceylan, Murat ; Soylu, H.; Konak, M. |
2020 | Fault Location Estimation by Using Machine Learning Methods in Mixed Transmission Lines | Budak, Serkan ; Akbal, Bahadır |
2023 | A Feasibility Analysis of the Use of Isar Training Data in Machine Learning-Based Sar Atr | Yiğit, Enes; Demirci, Şevket; Özkaya, Umut |
2022 | Feature Selection Via Gm-Cpso and Binary Conversion: Analyses on a Binary-Class Dataset | Çelik, S.; Koyuncu, H. |
Nov-2018 | Fine-Tuning Models Comparisons on Garbage Classification for Recyclability | Özkaya, Umut ; Seyfi, Levent |
2021 | A Framework Design for Heart Failure Detection: Analyzes on Features and Hybrid Classifiers | Koyuncu, Hasan |
2020 | Frekans Modüleli Sürekli Dalga Radarıyla Simüle Edilen Hayati Sinyallerin Temassız Tespiti | Şeflek, İbrahim ; Yaldız, Ercan |
2018 | Full-Automatic Liver Segmentation on Abdominal Mr Images | Barstuğan, Mücahid ; Ceylan, Rahime ; Asoğlu, Semih; Cebeci, Hakan; Koplay, Mustafa |
2020 | Fused Deep Features Based Classification Framework for Covid-19 Classification With Optimized Mlp | Öztürk, Şaban; Yiğit, Enes; Özkaya, Umut |
2023 | Fusion and Cnn Based Classification of Liver Focal Lesions Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Phases | Ci̇han, M.; Uzbaş, B. ; Ceylan, M. |
2019 | Fusion of Ct and Mr Liver Images by Surf-Based Registration | Aslan, Muhammet Fatih; Durdu, Akif ; Sabancı, Kadir |
2020 | Fuzzy Logic and Webster's Optimal Cycle Based Decentralized Coordinated Adaptive Traffic Control Method | Ali, Muzamil Eltejani Mohammed; Durdu, Akif ; Çeltek, Seyit Alperen; Gültekin, Seyfettin Sinan |
2021 | Fuzzy Membership Functions Tuning for Speed Controller of Induction Motor Drive: Performance Improvement | Farah, Nabil; Talib, Hairul Nizam; Ibrahim, Z.B.; Abdullah, Q.; Aydoğdu, Ömer ; Lazi, J.M.; Isa, Z. |
2020 | Gastrointestinal Tract Classification Using Improved Lstm Based Cnn | Öztürk, Şaban; Özkaya, Umut |
2022 | Gaussian Regression Models for Day-Level Forecasting of Covid-19 in European Countries | Özkaya, Umut ; Öztürk, Şaban |
2021 | A General Review on the Thiospinels and Their Energy Applications | Özel, F. ; Kılıç, H. S. ; Coşkun, H. ; Deveci, I. ; Sarılmaz, A. ; Balıkçıoğlu, A. ; Ersöz, M. ; Kuş, Mahmut |
2023 | A Generalizable D-Vio and Its Fusion With Gnss/imu for Improved Autonomous Vehicle Localization | Yusefi, A.; Durdu, A. ; Bozkaya, F.; Tiglioglu, S.; Yilmaz, A.; Sungur, C. |
2020 | Generalization Capacity Analysis of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring Using Deep Learning | Çimen, Halil; Palacios-Garcia, Emilio J.; Çetinkaya, Nurettin ; Kolbak, Morten; Sciume, Giuseppe; Vasquez, Juan C.; Guerrero, Josep M. |
2020 | Gm-Cpso: a New Viewpoint To Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization Via Gauss Map | Koyuncu, Hasan |
2023 | Goal Distance-Based Uav Path Planning Approach, Path Optimization and Learning-Based Path Estimation: Gdrrt*, Pso-Gdrrt* and Bilstm-Pso | Aslan, Muhammet Fatih; Durdu, Akif ; Sabancı, Kadir |