Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2023 | Binary African Vultures Optimization Algorithm for Z-Shaped Transfer Functions | Baş, Emine |
2023 | Binary Aquila Optimizer for 0-1 Knapsack Problems | Baş, Emine |
2023 | Binary Fox Optimization Algorithm Based U-Shaped Transfer Functions for Knapsack Problems | Baş, Emine |
2020 | A Binary Social Spider Algorithm for Continuous Optimization Task | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2020 | A Binary Social Spider Algorithm for Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2024 | Bindmo: a New Binary Dwarf Mongoose Optimization Algorithm on Based Z-Shaped, U-Shaped, and Taper-Shaped Transfer Functions for Cec-2017 Benchmarks | Baş, Emine |
2023 | Business Strategy and Market-Based Performance | Baş, Emine |
2022 | Büyük Veri ve Hadoop | Baş, Emine |
2021 | Comparison Between Ssa and Sso Algorithm Inspired in the Behavior of the Social Spider for Constrained Optimization | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2024 | A Detailed Comparison of Two New Heuristic Algorithms Based on Gazelles Behavior | Baş, Emine |
2023 | Detailed Parameter Analysis for African Vultures Optimization Algorithm | Baş, Emine |
2023 | A Discrete Particle Swarm Algorithm With Symmetry Methods for Discrete Optimization Problems | Baş, Emine ; Yıldızdan, Gülnur |
2021 | Discrete Social Spider Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2020 | An Efficient Binary Social Spider Algorithm for Feature Selection Problem | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2023 | Enhanced Coati Optimization Algorithm for Big Data Optimization Problem | Baş, Emine ; Yıldızdan, Gülnur |
2023 | Enhanced Tunicate Swarm Algorithm for Big Data Optimization | Baş, Emine |
2023 | Fox Optimization Algorithm for Cec-2017 Benchmarks Problems | Baş, Emine |
2021 | Hybrid the Arithmetic Optimization Algorithm for Constrained Optimization Problems | Baş, Emine |
2021 | Improved Social Spider Algorithm for Large Scale Optimization | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |
2020 | Improved Social Spider Algorithm for Minimizing Molecular Potential Energy Function | Baş, Emine ; Ülker, Erkan |