Browsing by Author Yenel, Esma

Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Amplifying the Dielectric Constant of Shellac by Incorporating Natural Clays for Organic Field Effect Transistors (ofets)Kim, S.; Yumuşak, Ç.; Irimia, C.V.; Bednorz, M.; Yenel, E. ; Kuş, M. ; Sariçiftçi, N.S.
2023Design and Synthesis of 4,5-Diazafluorene Ligands and Their Ruthenium (ii) Complexes for Photoresponse Performance on Organic PhotodiodesYenel, Esma ; Yıldırım, Murat; Cebeci, Caner; Erden, Ibrahim; Kocyiğit, Adem; Kuş, Mahmut 
2024Dye-Sensitized Sepiolite Clay as Natural Scaffolds for Visible Light Driven Photocatalytic Hydrogen EvolutionGenc, Acar, E.; Akyildiz, Y.O.; Kuru, T.; Yenel, E. ; Aslan, E.; Ersöz, M.; Kus, M. 
2022The Effect of Coating Parameter of Active Layer on Performance of Polymer Solar CellsYenel, Esma 
2022Electrical Behaviors of the Co- and Ni-Based Poms Interlayered Schottky Photodetector DevicesYıldırım, Murat; Kocyigit, Adem; Torlak, Yasemin; Yenel, Esma ; Hussaini, Ali Akbar; Kuş, Mahmut 
2020Electroluminescence Performance of a Series of Fluorene/2,5-di(2-thienyl)-1h-pyrrole PolymersBilgili, Hakan; Kara, Koray; Yenel, Esma ; Demiç, Şerafettin; Kuş, Mahmut ; Koyuncu, Sermet
2024High Responsivity and External Quantum Efficiency of Polyoxometalate Interlayered Schottky Type Photodiode DeviceHussaini, A.A.; Tok, M.; Torlak, Y.; Yenel, E. ; Durmaz, F.; Kus, M. ; Yıldırım, M.
2023Improved Efficiency and Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells Based on ClaysYenel, E. ; Dölek, G.; Bütün, B.N.; Kus, M. 
15-Jun-2016Lületaşı Bileşenleri Üzerine Oluşturulan Yeni Perovskit Duyarlı Güneş HücresiKuş, Mahmut ; Yenel, Esma 
2023A Novel Natural Scaffold Layer Improving Efficiency, Stability and Reproducibility of Perovskite Solar CellsYenel, Esma ; Kuş, Mahmut 
2021Synthesis and Application of Colloidal Cds Quantum Dots as Interface Modification Material in Perovskite Solar CellsYenel, Esma 
27-Sep-2017Ters ve Düz Geometride İskelet Yapı Olarak Lületaşı Bileşenleri İçeren Yeni Perovskit Duyarlı Güneş HücresiKuş, Mahmut ; Yenel, Esma 
2022Uridine as Additive in Antisolvent for Improving Performance and Reproducibility of Perovskite Solar CellsYenel, Esma ; Deveci, İlyas 
2021W- and Mo-Based Polyoxometalates (pom) as Interlayer in Al/N-si PhotodiodesYenel, Esma ; Torlak, Yasemin; Koçyiğit, Adem; Erden, İbrahim; Kuş, Mahmut ; Yıldırım, Murat