Showing results 1 to 20 of 27
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2020 | Advanced Applications of Green Materials for Gas Separation and Storage | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kuş, Mahmut |
2021 | Characterization of Bionanocomposites | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan |
2021 | Comparison of Self-Assembled Monolayers With Long Alkyl Chains on Ito for Enhanced Surface Properties and Photovoltaic Performance | Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem |
2021 | Effect of Different Terminal Groups of Phenyl Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on the Photovoltaic Performance of Organic Solar Cells | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut |
2019 | Enhanced Uptake Capacities and Isosteric Heats of Co2 and Ch4 Adsorption on Spent Coffee Ground Activated Carbons Loaded With Metal Ions | Kırbıyık, Çisem ; Büyükbekar, Burak Zafer; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa |
2021 | Farklı P-tipi Yarıiletkenlerin Tek Kristallerinin Büyütülmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve Organik Güneş Pillerinde Performans Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi | Polat, Selen |
2021 | Gaz Akış Hızının Fiziksel Buhar İletimi Yöntemiyle Büyütülen Antrasen Tek Kristallerin Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Polat, Selen |
2022 | Improved Performance With Boron-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots in Perovskite Solar Cells | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Toprak, Ayşegül; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa |
2022 | Improved Visible Light-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue and Methyl Red by Boron-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots | Haspulat Taymaz, Bircan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kamış, Handan ; Kuş, Mahmut |
2019 | Improving the Performance of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Through Modification of Compact Tio2 Layer by Different Boronic Acid Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers | Kırbıyık, Çisem ; Kara, Duygu Akın; Kara, Koray; Büyükçelebi, Sümeyra; Yiğit, Mesude Zeliha; Can, Mustafa; Kuş, Mahmut |
2020 | Influence of Alkyl Chain Length of Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on Indium Tin Oxide and Their Organic Solar Cell Performance | Kırbıyık, Çisem ; Alıç, Tuğbahan Yılmaz; Kuş, Mahmut |
2021 | Influence of the Volume of Egme-Dmso Mixed Co-Solvent Doping on the Characteristics of Pedot:pss and Their Application in Polymer Solar Cells | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Polat, Selen |
2020 | Interfacial Modification Via Boronic Acid Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers for Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells | Kırbıyık, Çisem ; Can, Mustafa; Kuş, Mahmut |
2023 | Karbon Kuantum Noktaların Sentezi ve Güneş Hücrelerinde Uygulamaları | Büyükbekar, Ali̇han |
2024 | Modification and Performance Enhancement of P3ht:pcbm Based Organic Solar Cells Incorporated With Phosphorus Doped Carbon Quantum Dots | Kırbıyık, Kurukavak, Ç. ; Büyükbekar, A.; Tok, M.; Yılmaz, T. ; Kuş, M. ; Ersöz, M. |
2019 | Modification of Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon With Magnetic ?-Fe2o3 Nanoparticles for Co2 and Ch4 Adsorption | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem |
2022 | Nanomaterials in Preparation of Bionanocomposites for Food Packaging Applications | Kırbıyık, Kurukavak, Ç. |
2020 | Nitrogen -Doped Cqds To Enhance the Power Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells Via Surface Passivation | Kırbıyık, Çisem ; Toprak, Ayşegül; Başlak, Canan; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa |
2020 | Organik Tek Kristal Yarıiletkenlerin Büyütülmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve İkili-tabaka Güneş Pillerinde Uygulanması | Kırbıyık, Çisem |
2021 | Pan-Based Activated Carbon Nanofiber/Metal Oxide Composites for Co2 and Ch4 Adsorption: Influence of Metal Oxide | Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Büyükbekar, Burak Zafer; Ersöz, Mustafa |