Browsing by Author Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem

Showing results 1 to 20 of 27  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Advanced Applications of Green Materials for Gas Separation and StorageKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kuş, Mahmut 
2021Characterization of BionanocompositesKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan 
2021Comparison of Self-Assembled Monolayers With Long Alkyl Chains on Ito for Enhanced Surface Properties and Photovoltaic PerformanceYılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem 
2021Effect of Different Terminal Groups of Phenyl Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on the Photovoltaic Performance of Organic Solar CellsKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut 
2019Enhanced Uptake Capacities and Isosteric Heats of Co2 and Ch4 Adsorption on Spent Coffee Ground Activated Carbons Loaded With Metal IonsKırbıyık, Çisem ; Büyükbekar, Burak Zafer; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa
2021Farklı P-tipi Yarıiletkenlerin Tek Kristallerinin Büyütülmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve Organik Güneş Pillerinde Performans Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesiPolat, Selen
2021Gaz Akış Hızının Fiziksel Buhar İletimi Yöntemiyle Büyütülen Antrasen Tek Kristallerin Özellikleri Üzerine EtkisiKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Polat, Selen
2022Improved Performance With Boron-Doped Carbon Quantum Dots in Perovskite Solar CellsKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Yılmaz, Tuğbahan ; Toprak, Ayşegül; Büyükbekar, Alihan; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa
2022Improved Visible Light-Driven Photocatalytic Degradation of Methylene Blue and Methyl Red by Boron-Doped Carbon Quantum DotsHaspulat Taymaz, Bircan ; Kırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Kamış, Handan ; Kuş, Mahmut 
2019Improving the Performance of Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Through Modification of Compact Tio2 Layer by Different Boronic Acid Functionalized Self-Assembled MonolayersKırbıyık, Çisem ; Kara, Duygu Akın; Kara, Koray; Büyükçelebi, Sümeyra; Yiğit, Mesude Zeliha; Can, Mustafa; Kuş, Mahmut 
2020Influence of Alkyl Chain Length of Boronic Acid Self-Assembled Monolayers on Indium Tin Oxide and Their Organic Solar Cell PerformanceKırbıyık, Çisem ; Alıç, Tuğbahan Yılmaz; Kuş, Mahmut 
2021Influence of the Volume of Egme-Dmso Mixed Co-Solvent Doping on the Characteristics of Pedot:pss and Their Application in Polymer Solar CellsKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Polat, Selen
2020Interfacial Modification Via Boronic Acid Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers for Efficient Inverted Polymer Solar CellsKırbıyık, Çisem ; Can, Mustafa; Kuş, Mahmut 
2023Karbon Kuantum Noktaların Sentezi ve Güneş Hücrelerinde UygulamalarıBüyükbekar, Ali̇han
2024Modification and Performance Enhancement of P3ht:pcbm Based Organic Solar Cells Incorporated With Phosphorus Doped Carbon Quantum DotsKırbıyık, Kurukavak, Ç. ; Büyükbekar, A.; Tok, M.; Yılmaz, T. ; Kuş, M. ; Ersöz, M.
2019Modification of Biomass-Derived Activated Carbon With Magnetic ?-Fe2o3 Nanoparticles for Co2 and Ch4 AdsorptionKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem 
2022Nanomaterials in Preparation of Bionanocomposites for Food Packaging ApplicationsKırbıyık, Kurukavak, Ç. 
2020Nitrogen -Doped Cqds To Enhance the Power Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells Via Surface PassivationKırbıyık, Çisem ; Toprak, Ayşegül; Başlak, Canan; Kuş, Mahmut ; Ersöz, Mustafa
2020Organik Tek Kristal Yarıiletkenlerin Büyütülmesi, Karakterizasyonu ve İkili-tabaka Güneş Pillerinde UygulanmasıKırbıyık, Çisem 
2021Pan-Based Activated Carbon Nanofiber/Metal Oxide Composites for Co2 and Ch4 Adsorption: Influence of Metal OxideKırbıyık Kurukavak, Çisem ; Büyükbekar, Burak Zafer; Ersöz, Mustafa