Browsing by Author Karataş, Özgül

Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20222,4,6-Tris(p Synthesis and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (epr) AnalysisKarataş, Özgül ; Ceylan, Yusuf; Koç, Ziya Erdem
2023Comparison of Homemade Td-Nmr Device and Commercial Devices for Detection of Oil AdulterationMarasli, Ayse; Okay, Cengiz; Karataş, Özgül ; Mozzhukhin, Georgy; Rameev, Bulat
2020Determination of Optimal Modulation Amplitude for Electron Spin Resonance (esr) Dating and Dosimetry Studies of Tooth EnamelKarataş, Özgül 
2023Electron Spin Resonance and Photoluminescence Studies of Co/Mg Co-Doped Zno NanoparticlesArda, Lütfi; Karatas, Ozgul ; Alphan, Mehmet Can; Özugürlü, Ersin
2023An Experimental Study on Dosimetric and Characteristic Properties of Bovine DentinKarataş, Özgül 
2023An Experimental Study on Dosimetric and Characteristic Properties of Bovine Dentin (vol 138, 24, 2023)Karataş, Özgül 
2023Fabrication and Characterization of Tiox Based Single-Cell Memristive DevicesÖzkal, Bünyamin; Kazan, Sinan; Karataş, Özgül ; Ekinci, Gökhan; Arda, Lütfi; Rameev, Bulat Z.
2020Gama Işınları ile Işınlanmış Yeni Bir Isoquinoline Sulfonamide (c17h20brno3s) Maddesinin X-bant Epr ÇalışmasıKarataş, Özgül ; Ceylan, Yusuf
2022The Investigation of Structural and Magnetic Properties of Er2-Xcoxo3 Nano-OxidesHeiba, Zein K.; Arda, Lutfi; Doğan, Nurcan; Karatas, Ozgul ; Mohamed, Mohamed Bakr
2023Structural Properties and Electron Spin Resonance (esr) Dose Estimations of Fossil Cow Tooth Enamel From Kosk Hoyuk, TurkeyKarataş, Özgül ; Kayalı, Refik; Ünal Ercan, Hatice