Browsing by Author Büyükyıldız, Meral

Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Analysis of Seasonal Rainfall Variability With Innovative Graphical Methods of Konya Closed Basin, TürkiyeKoycegiz, C. ; Buyukyildiz, M. 
2023An Analysis of Terrestrial Water Storage Changes of a Karstic, Endorheic Basin in Central Anatolia, TurkeyKöycegiz, C.; Sen, O.L.; Buyukyildiz, M. 
2022Analysis of Three Hydro-Meteorological Parameters for the East Mediterranean Basin With Gldas DataKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2023Applicability of Different Interpolation Methods in the Estimation of Potential EvapotranspirationKaplan, Cansu Hacer; Büyükyıldız, Meral ; Köyceğiz, Cihangir 
2023Applications of Innovative Polygon Trend Analysis (ipta) and Trend Polygon Star Concept (tpsc) Methods for the Variability of Precipitation in Konya Closed Basin (turkey)Koyceğiz, Cihangir ; Buyukyıldız, Meral 
2024An Approach on the Estimation and Temporal Interaction of Runoff: the Band Similarity MethodYılmaz, Volkan ; Koyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2021Assessment of Concentration, Erosivity and Seasonality of Precipitation Data for 1970-2019 Period of Karataş Gauging StationKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2021Assessment of Concentration, Erosivity and Seasonality of Precipitation Data for 1970-2019 Period of Karataş Gauging StationKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2019Assessment of the Water Budget by Using a Conceptual Model: the Case of Çarşamba BasinÜlker, Muhammet Cafer; Köyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2019Aylık Buharlaşma Tahmininde Yapay Zeka Yöntemlerinin KullanılabilirliğiÖzel, Ayşe; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2019Calibration of Swat and Two Data-Driven Models for a Data-Scarce Mountainous Headwater in Semi-Arid Konya Closed BasinKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2022Characterizatıon and Temporal Variation Analysis of Precipitation in Mardin ProvinceKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2022Comparative of Statistical and Graphical Methods in Trend Analysis of Meteorological Parameters: a Case Study: Isparta Province, TurkeyKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2022Comparative Performance Analysis of Artificial Bee Colony and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms in Modeling Pan EvaporationYılmaz, Volkan ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2019Comparative Performance Analysis of Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Algorithm Over Hanoi Water Distribution NetworkYılmaz, Volkan ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2022Comparison of Gldas and Measurement Data for Precipitation Parameter in Gediz Basin, TurkeyKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2023Comparison of Innovative Trend Analysis Methods for Hydrometeorological Parameters in the Karasu Sub-BasinKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2019Cost Optimization of Hanoi Water Distribution Netvvork With Meta- Heuristic Optimization AlgorithmsYılmaz, Volkan ; Büyükyıldız, Meral ; Baykan, Ömer Kaan 
2023Detection of Temporal Variability in Monthly and Annual Mean Streamflow Data of Feke Station in Seyhan BasinKöyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral 
2020Determination of Change Points and Trend Analysis of Annual Temperature Data in Konya Closed Basin (turkey)Köyceğiz, Cihangir ; Büyükyıldız, Meral