Browsing by Author Ağaçayak, Tevfik

Showing results 1 to 20 of 23  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Application of the Shrinking-Core Models for Determination of Dissolution Kinetics of Mn and Zn From Spent Zinc-Carbon Battery Powder in Organic Acid SolutionAğaçayak, Tevfik ; Taner, Hasan Ali 
2021Cleaning of Beysehir (bayavsar) Coal in Turkey With Hydrophobic Flocculation Using Waste Motor OilAğaçayak, Tevfik ; Ağca, Osman
2021Determination of Optimum Flotation Conditions in Nigde (ulukisla) Complex Pb-Zn OreAğaçayak, Tevfik ; Yılmaz, Nur Benan
2021The Effect Of Aerophine 3418a Collector Dosage On Niğde (ulukışla-madenköy) Complex Pb-zn Sulphide Ore FlotationAğaçayak, Tevfik ; Yılmaz, Nur Benan 
2022Effect of Organic and Inorganic Compounds on Dissolution Kinetics of Chalcopyrite in Hydrogen Peroxide- Hydrochloric Acid SystemAbdelraheem, Mohamed Taha Osman; Agacayak, Tevfik 
2019Gümüşköy Kompleks Cevherinden Gümüşün Basınçlı Ortamda Çözündürme Şartlarının BelirlenmesiApaydın, Burak
2024The Influence of Sodium Fluoride on the Dissolution Kinetics of Metallic Titanium in Citric Acid Solution Using the Rotating Disc MethodMotasim, M.; Aydoğan, S.; Agacayak, T. ; Eker, Y.R.; El-gak, A.; Seifelnassr, A.A.S.
2022Investigation of Ash Removal From Fine Grain Coal-Water Suspension by Hydrophobic Flocculation Using Taguchi (l-16) Experimental DesignAğaçayak, Tevfik 
2022Investigation of Co-Combustion Characteristics of Olive Bagasse, Coal and Their Respective Blends by Thermogravimetric Analysis (tga)Ağaçayak, Tevfik 
2022Investigation of Combustion Kinetic With Coats-Redfern Method by Using Thermogravimetric Data of Different Lignite SamplesAgacayak, T. 
2023Investigation of the Effect of Some Polar Organic Solvents on the Leaching and Dissolution Kinetics of Chalcopyrite in Hydrogen Peroxide and Sulfuric Acid SolutionAbdelraheem, Mohamed Taha Osman; Ağaçayak, Tevfik 
2020Kömürün Hidrofobik Flokülasyon ile Temizlemesinde Atık Yağların Kullanım Olanaklarının AraştırılmasıAğca, Osman
2023Modeling and Optimization of the Oil Agglomeration Parameters of Low-Calorific Value Lignite by Box-Behnken Design (bbd) MethodAğaçayak, Tevfik 
2019Niğde (ulukışla-madenköy) Bolkardağı Sülfürlü Kurşun-çinko Kompleks Cevherinin Optimum Flotasyon Şartlarının BelirlenmesiYılmaz, Nur Benan
2020Optimization of Ferric Chloride Leaching Parameters of Copper Extraction From Chalcopyrite Concentrate Using Taguchi MethodAğaçayak, Tevfik ; Ahmed, Mohamed Taha Osman Abdelraheem
2024Ore Characterization and Quality Control Aspects of Gold Cyanidation: the Cil Plant as a Case Study in SudanMotasim M.; Agacayak T. ; Osman W.
2023The Potential of Sudanese Refractory Gold Ores Characterization and Pre-Treatment in Ariab Mines (vms) in Red Sea (sudan)Motasim, Mahmoud; Ağaçayak, Tevfik ; Fathalrhman, Mohammed; Elhadi, Eltahir; El-GAK, Amin; Awdekarim, Abdelshakour; Seifelnasr, Ahmed Abdullah Sadeek
2024Reaction Kinetics of Molybdenum Dissolution by Hydrogen Peroxide in Acidic and Alkaline Solutions Using Tartaric Acid and Sodium Hydroxide: a Semi-Empirical Model With Rotating Disc MethodMotasim, Mahmoud; Agacayak, Tevfik ; Eker, Yasin Ramazan; Aydoğan, Salih ; Abbaker, Ahmed
2022Recyanidation of Gold Heaps Tailing at Hassai Region in Red Sea State, SudanOsman Abdelraheem, M. Taha; Akasha, M.; Ağaçayak, T. 
2024Rotating Disc Method To Study the Dissolution Kinetics of Copper Metal in Citric Acid and Hydrogen PeroxideMotasim, M.; Aydoğan, S.; Ali, B.; Agacayak, T.